Chapter 29- Going Back to Eli's

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Emry's P.O.V-

Eight hours of shopping, long lines, Hundreds of dollars spent, and three coffee's later Jasmine, Joy, and I were all exhausted from so much shopping that I thought we were all going to drop dead. I had so much fun shopping with them, laughing, and getting to know each of them better. It felt like I was a part of their family even though I really wasn't. It made me think about what it would be like to have a family of my own one day. I wonder if I will make a good mom, I know though that I would love my child for who they are not what they look like that's for sure. Finally we get to Eli's house and both Joy and Jasmine help me unload my bags from the trunk; then proceed to hug me and ask that we all hang out soon.

Standing on that front porch waving goodbye to both of them I see them drive down the long driveway. The porch light is on giving me some light to try and find the spare key that Eli said was here under the rock. Finding the key I unlock the door and am attacked by Shadow jumping up and down trying to push me down to his level. After petting him and calming him down I somehow grab ahold of all of my bags and drag them inside to the front entrance. I ditch them there figuring I will load them up in my car later when I am about to head home, and go to find Eli asleep on the couch with the T.V. still on. He is so sexy when he is asleep, I don't think I will ever get over looking at him.

Deciding that I should wake him up I walk over to him and kiss him on the cheek, and then carefully shake him awake. "Eli wake up, Lets go upstairs." All he does is mumble something and then his eyes pop open, "Emry, when did you get here?" "Oh about ten minutes ago, come on lets go to bed I am so tired." "Okay let me just turn everything off down here and I will meet you up there." With that I walk up stairs with Shadow following me on my heels. Once up in his room I walk into the in-suite bathroom and change into some pajamas I have left over here and then go and lay in the bed. I am almost asleep when I feel the bed dip down then Eli's arm wrap around me as he pulls me closer to his chest. He kisses my head and whispers that he loves me and with that I fall fast asleep in his arms.

A few days later-

Since winter is here I am now constantly around 24 sick children who keep passing around germs every day. One day a few kids with be sick with a cold, then pass it on to a few other students, but then they have an ear infection on top of said cold. And this cycle continues with the children spreading around the same thing over and over. There was not enough hand sanitizer, anti-bacterial wipes, and tissues in the world that I could have used in order to prevent myself from getting sick. I tried so hard to not get sick, making sure if a child was too sick I would send them to the nurse, but in the end I got sick.

So here I am lying in bed so sick it isn't even funny. I feel like death and that is only when I blow my nose, not including my horrible wet cough that sounds like I am a barking dog. Or the sore throat and migraine I seem to have at the moment either. I love my job I really do, but I so do not love getting sick from my students; this just sucks.

Author's Note-

Sorry guys I know it is a very short and boring filler chapter. I have been busy lately, but I promise this is helping lead up to some good stuff coming. And I wanted your opinion do you think I should end this soon and turn this into a series. With a sequel? I have a great way to end this one book, and start the second one and everything. Please comment and let me know!! Thank you!!

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