chapter 25: Home.

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(Y/N)'s POV:

I woke up, sitting in a chair. This was some kind of warehouse or the hell did I get here? Oh yeah... I remembered walking and getting hit. But why was I being kidnapped? I was kind of single—I think—and I was far from love. I was completely heartbroken. I looked around, trying to figure out where I was specifically. I couldn't tell. "Hello there." I heard a deep Australian accented voice call out. I saw a man with red hair and wings walk from behind me. He was ugly...and I knew exactly who this was. It was Typhon. "Hey there." I pressed my lips into a firm line as I wiggled my hands. I needed to buy time. "So...what do you think?" He asked, putting his arms out. "Of what?" I replied. "Me. Do you think I'm so irresistible? Absolutely delectable?" He questioned, making me laugh. "You're joking right?" I chuckled. His face faded to annoyance and anger, "No... look, I don't know anything about you. All I know, is your heart is shattered, probably by some douche' bag. I also know your beautiful. Want to be my wife?" He said winking. I finally got the rope broke and held it with both my hands, pretending I was still tied up. "Um, how about no? Look man, how about we..." I sent a quick glance toward the lightning bolt weapon on a table nearby. Bingo. I stood up, letting the rope fall. His look of surprise was priceless, "how about we let me kill you?" My face lost all playfulness and seriousness covered my expression. He put his hand up, flicking me across the room. I fell into the table, grabbing the knife and falling to the ground. "Hunter, huh?" He asked, and I nodded. He walked up to me, sending a powerful punch to my face. "I wish this could've worked out..." He sighed, as I spit blood out from the punch. "You're one loves you. I was going to help, but never mind." He punched my face. His words sent me into a laughing fit. Despite the pain, I felt humor fill me. "You're weak...that's why your laughing..." He said, not noticing that I had the thing that could kill him. I brought it in front of me, shoving it toward his stomach. "Nu, uh, uh." He said, grabbing it from me. He sliced it across my stomach, I grunted in pain. I squeezed my eyes shut, grabbing my stomach. He darkly laughed, "How does it feel?" he asked, making me flare up. "You messed with the wrong bitch..." I charged toward him as he was walking away. I jumped on him from behind hooking my legs around him and shoving the blade into his stomach. He made a noise as I impaled him with the large knife you could prebaby consider a sword. He fell forward, and I fell off of him, grasping my stomach. Shit. I was bleeding out bad. What was I supposed to do now? My phone was on the floor where I'd fallen earlier. There's no way I could get over there right now. I had nothing else to I prayed. "Lord, Castiel, whoever is listening to me...please. I've asked for plenty of things...and I don't want to die." Tears filled my eyes, blurring my vision. That and the darkness consuming me. " me." I closed my eyes briefly, letting a tear fall. Just then I saw someone appear. It looked like a teen boy...he had dark blonde hair, and blue eyes. He sorta looked like Cas. "You're a friend of Castiel and the Winchester's?" he asked, in a calm voice. I nodded, "Yep...and you are?" I asked. "that's not important, (Y/N). I'm here to help." He reached down toward me. "Where are you taking me?" I asked. "Where would you like to go?" he asked, and I thought. I needed to see them again. Sam...and poor Dean. Even If I got hurt...I needed to be there for him. Every step of the way. "Home. the bunker..." I said, my voice breaking. "As you wish." The boy named jack put his hand on my forehead, and I blacked out.


I woke up, but I couldn't open my eyes. Everything else was just fine...but I couldn't open my eyes. I didn't hurt anywhere though, that was a good sign. I heard distant voices...but I could barley hear what they were saying. "How the hell did Jack just zip- zap his ass down here?" That was definitely Dean's voice. "I don't know man, I'm just glad she's back." That was Sam's. I was back at the bunker...good. Then what about my car? My stuff? I didn't need to worry about that now. I tried opening my eyes, but I was compelled to sleep. So, I did.

Dean's POV:

I saw (Y/N)'s limp body there on the bed. I hated she left... and was glad she as back. Though, I could hurt her... so I had to keep a decent distance. Me and Sam tried getting rid of the demon part of me, by using the curing tip we used when I was a demon after I got the mark of didn't work. It's the spell. It's like a warding. I watched (Y/N)'s eyes flutter open, Jack brought her here. He said he was supposed to be in heaven but left just long enough so he could save (Y/N). Apparently, she killed the most powerful Greek monster. She's always been badass, but that's pretty damn impressive. "D-Dean?" She rubbed her eyes, sitting up. Jack had healed her, so she was okay now, although his healing didn't fix it all. She still had a large scar over her stomach Jack said would be sore for the first couple of weeks. "Hey sweetheart..." tears filled my eyes. Tears of regret, guilt, happiness, and love. She reached out for me, "I'm sorry..." her voice barley came out as a whisper. I walked over, wrapping my arms around her, sitting next to her on the hospital bed. "No... it's my fault..." I sniffled, burying my nose in her hair. She smelled the same as usual...coconut...vanilla...and her perfume. I smiled, holding her tight to me. "Dean... I was the one who ran." She pulled back, looking up at me with guilty eyes. "No baby, I- I hurt you. I promised myself I'd never do that." My voice broke. "You can make up for it..." she smirked, and I raised a brow. "But...I can't. There's no way I can make it better... I hit you. I can't just, un-hit you." I sighed, putting a hand under her chin, swiping my thumb across her jaw. I wanted to kiss her so bad. I missed her so much. "Dean...I'll forgive you if you give me a kiss." She smiled up at me, the most precious smile. I smiled, "I like that idea." I giggled—which I am not proud of—and leaned down, kissing her lips softly. She leaned into it and slipped her tongue inside my mouth. Huh...she usually wasn't this committed to a kiss, but hey. I wasn't complaining. I kissed her back with equal passion, our tongues fighting for dominance. She put her arms around my neck, pressing herself fully against me. I groaned deep as her knee pushed right against my—now I realized—extremely hard dick. 

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