chapter 37: poor puppy

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Sam's POV:

I woke up rubbing my eyes, turning on my side. There sat a wide awake Hazel, she scooted closer. I smiled at her already wide awake eyes.

"Morning, angel." I yawned, pressing a kiss to her nose. She giggled, "Morning." She yawned too.

I looked down and saw her bare shoulders, and the rest of her body covered with the white—now messy—sheets.

Last night was amazing. She dominated... and it was the most amazing blissful thing I'd ever experienced.

"Was I good last night?"

She asked with a sort of innocent look. I chuckled, pulling her to me and embracing her. "Better than good." I muttered into her hair.

"I'm glad..." she smiled, cuddling close.

I was falling hard for this girl. And I was pretty sure she was too.

Head over heels I say.

I'm head over heels in love with Hazel Solace.

Dean's POV:

I grabbed (Y/N)'s small duffle bag, stuffing it in the back of the impala. We had stayed at that hotel all weekend.

And damn that was a helluva weekend.

It was probably the happiest I'd been in a while considering our circumstances. I looked over at (Y/N) and Hazel talking, Hazel nodding and frowning a little. They hugged tightly for several minutes, before (Y/N) eventually pulled away and walked over to me.

"I told her."

She explained and sighed. I smiled sadly, "It's okay. She needed to know." I pulled her to me, embracing her. She buried her face in my chest, and I rested my chin on top of her head.

Sam was planning on asking Hazel to stay with us at the bunker, to live with him. I told him it was a risky question but might as well ask and get it over with.

I looked over at Sam who approached her nervously. I watched from a distance, still hugging (Y/N).

I was never the best at reading lips, but I could tell he was asking now. And by the small frown on Hazel's face... I could tell her answer was no.

Poor Sam.

I felt bad as I watched his face drop a little and he gave a small nod.

(Y/N)'s POV:

We got back to the bunker at midnight, and surprisingly I was still awake. Dean parked baby in the garage, and I saw that Sam was still asleep.

I frowned, getting out and walking to the passenger seat.

"Sam...hey. Wake up." I shook his shoulder and his eyes blinked open. He had a small frown on his face and I sighed, understanding why it was there.

"Scooch over, will ya?" I asked, sitting down as he moved over in the bench seat of the impala.

"I'm sorry about Hazel." I whispered, putting my head on his shoulder. "It's okay. She made the right choice. I'm messed up anyways." He had a bitter smile, which immediately made me concerned.

"Don't say that. You're not messed up, Sam." I looked at him, with a caring look. "Yes I am. I've been tortured by the devil himself. You know how crazy that sounds? How crazy I sound?"

He paused, sighing. "This is nuts, (Y/N). I can't excpted Hazel to be with me anymore...I'm fucked up. Broken."

He rubbed a hand over his face. "Who wants something broken, when they can have something new and perfect? Something shiny... something safe and happy."

He frowned, looking over at me. I was fuming. Why would he say those things.


was all I said.

"Stop. Because the more you talk about yourself like that, the more I hate myself for not letting you know this sooner. Sam. You deserve everything. You deserve the world. You... You may be broken...okay? But you're strong. You're brave. And you've been through things nobody else has. Dean told me about everything. You've been much."

My voice started to break. Alicia was great... but she couldn't make Sam feel like this. I didn't wanna get all mushy with Sam, so I just sighed.

"Sam... go call your girlfriend. She probably feels awful. She probably just didn't want to get attached to somewhere. Remember how I was?" I rubbed his shoulder with my hand, and he smiled a little at me.

"yeah...I remember."

He chuckled, shaking his head. "Thank you." He whispered, reaching for the door handle. "No problem, Sam. I'll be here anytime you need to talk."

{end chapter here}

I watched Bacon as he laid on the couch, his paws under his chin pouting. He made a whiny sound as I walked over.

He got off the couch and started barking, and I immediately knew he was hungry.

"C'mere boy. Let's go get you some food!" I whistled and he followed me as I walked into the kitchen. His little paws made pitter patter noises that echoed throughout the hallway.

I saw Dean at the stove flipping patties, making burgers for dinner. I smiled, as I walked by him, smacking his ass playfully. A small squeal left him lips along with a gasp as he looked over at me. "Hey! Honey, that's my job." He pouted, making me laugh as I searched for the dog food.

"Babe, didn't you get groceries yesterday? Where's Bacon's food?" I called out across the kitchen.

"Hang on. You flip the patties and I'll get it." He walked past me, smacking my ass and I gasped smirking as I walked to the stove. I flipped a patty, and then another. My hands got shaky, but I tried to ignore it. I flipped another patty and another, and soon I was getting the hang of it.

Dean walked back in with the dog food and Bacon ran by me, bumping me. Some of the hot water splashed onto Bacon's nose and he whined, running out of the kitchen.

Poor puppy.

"Bacon wait! I'm sorry." I chased the dog out of the kitchen, feeling miserable.

Me and Dean looked all around the bunker, but we couldn't find Bacon.

I was starting to panic.

What if he ran away?

What if he was dead?

What if he tried to eat a knife and accidently impaled himself!?

I started to hyperventilate pacing around the bunkers main room, and Dean was looking around and under the tables.

"Stay calm babe... he's gotta be in here somewhere. The door was closed... there's no way he would've gotten out. I swear he's in here."

Dean grabbed my arms, looking me in my eyes.

"C- Can we get Sam to help?" I asked, feeling lightheaded.

My poor baby bacon was missing, and it was my fault.

"Sure sure, yes of course baby. We'll get Sam to help."

He turned around, walking down the hall to Sam's room. 

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⏰ Last updated: May 17 ⏰

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