Chapter 27: stay.

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[the next morning:]

I felt kisses on my neck, and I stirred. I didn't wanna wake up yet...but Dean was already up. "Dean..." I whined. "C'mon's 7..." he whined back, gently biting my neck. I squeaked, "Dean!" I opened my eyes, looking at him. His arm was wrapped around my waist, and his cock against my ass. He grinned down at me, "morning sweetheart..." he swiped hair from my face. I groaned, closing my eyes. "Wake up...c'mon...I'll make us some breakfast." He begged. "Dean...I don't even eat breakfast anymore." I chuckled. "Right..." He sighed. "Well...let's look for a case then." He kissed my cheek. "Fine..." I pushed his hand off my waist and sat up in bed. He sat behind me, resting his head on my shoulder. I smiled, "Let's get up're the one who suggested it..." He smirked at him. "Alright..." he got up, putting on a flannel shirt and jeans. "Can I borrow one of your shirts? If I walk back to my room naked people would see me...and you wouldn't want that." I bit my lip, hoping my excuse would work. He narrowed his eyes at me, "Alright..." he smiled. I grabbed one of his flannels, slipping it on me. It went down to my mid- thigh. I put underwear on, and walked out into the kitchen, making myself a cup of coffee. I took a sip, leaning against the counter. Sam walked in, "Hey..." he said, grabbing his own cup. Dean walked in too, coming over to me. "You two must've had fun last night..." Sam sighed. "Yeah? How would you know, Sammy." He grabbed the cup of coffee Sam had just made himself and took a sip. Sam had a pissed look at Dean and deadpanned him. "The walls aren't the thickest, Dean." Sam sounded annoyed. I immediately blushed, and Dean choked on his coffee. "Oh..." He cleared his throat. Sam smiled smugly, "Take care of him." Sam patted my shoulder, leaving the room. "I found a case by the way!" Sam called back, walking into the bunker's main room. I followed Dean as he followed Sam. "Oh yeah? A case..." Dean asked, sitting on the couch. Sam walked in from the hallway with his tablet. I sat next to Dean, and he put an arm around me. "Yep... children and teenagers have been going missing, but then two weeks later the parents see them again, only..." Sam paused, furrowing his brows at the screen. "They show up 20 years older than they were..." Sam finished, looking confusedly at the screen. "What's up Sam?" I asked, studying his surprised and confused face. "'s just..." he paused again, shaking his head. "I think I know this girl." Sam looked closer at the screen tapping it. "Ooh, a girl." Dean wiggled his brows jokingly, making me giggle. "Hey Dean..." Sam walked over slowly, staring at the screen. "Remember that girl named Hazel Solace...?" Sam said, looking up from the tablet finally. Dean thought for a second, "Oh yeah...that really cu..." Dean stopped himself, glancing at my deadpan. "Um...really weird not attractive at all, hunter we met in high school? Yep. I do." Dean corrected. I laughed, hearing how Dean put it. "It's okay babe...I know you love me." I kissed his cheek, and he grinned. "Good... If you didn't already know, you'd be crazy." He smiled, making my chuckle again. "Alright Mr. Winchester..." I was about to get up, but he grabbed my wrist. "I like that..." he smirked. "Good..." I giggled, walking off to my room to pack for our trip.


I sat in the car, listening to 'back in black' by ACDC blast through the speakers. I nodded my head to the music, mouthing the lyrics. Dean was driving and Sam was in the backseat because Dean suggested we do rock paper scissors for the seat. Sam lost...obviously. I glanced back there as Sam stared dead ahead, with the most irritated look on his face. I chuckled, grinning smugly. "how's the backseat, Sam." I asked, and he pressed his lips into a firm line. "Hey...maybe Dean could sit back there on the way back." I winked at Dean in the driver's seat as his head whipped over in my direction. "What?" he asked, looking back where Sam was. "I'm not sitting back there. And neither of you are driving baby." Dean stated, looking ahead. I raised a brow, "Rock paper scissors will tell us later..." I smirked looking ahead at the road. "Nobody is driving her!" Dean said sternly.


The case turned out to be nothing, apparently. Dean seemed like he wanted to leave, but Sam kept thinking of reasons to stay. "C'mon Dean, we should stay the night. It's like 12, and we could get a decent night's sleep." Sam explained. "Dude, since when are you worried about a good night's sleep." Dean crossed his arms. "Dean...I wanna stay too..." I whined, trying to help Sam out. I saw him with a girl today when we were investigating, Sam seemed very interested. He was laughing a lot, but he never laughs that much...not at anyone. No matter how funny they are...he was nervous. "You know what, fine. But I'm getting a drink." Dean grabbed his leather jacket, putting it on and grabbing the impala keys. "Alright...I'm gonna stay here with Sam." I said, looking over at him. His brows were furrowed, and I smiled. I was gonna help him get this date.

Sam's POV:

(Y/N) was definitely up to something...but I wouldn't question it until Dean left. I think maybe she somehow found out I got a date with my old crush... but that was the worst case. She'd probably make fun of me for it anyhow. Dean walked toward the door, carrying his keys. "Love you!" (Y/N) chirped, kissing him on the cheek. He smiled, and I knew it was genuine. I loved that she made Dean made me happy too. Dean walked outside, and as soon as the door shut, she turned toward me, putting her hands on her hips. "Sam Winchester. You have a date." She said, smirking. "How did you know?" I narrowed my eyes. "I saw that look at the like her." She smiled, "C'mon Sam, let me help you get ready." She walked toward me. I sighed, I'd probably never convince her to leave me why not. She know more about girls than I do. "Fine..." I replied. She squealed, "Yes!" she grabbed my hand, dragging me to sit on the couch. "Okay...first, your hair." She grabbed a brush from her nightstand. "My hair's fine." I scoffed, but that didn't stop her. She pulled the brush through my hair, but surprisingly gentle. She brushed through my hair, making sure not to miss one strand.

Dean's POV:

I sat at the bar, sipping the stout beer I'd ordered. I'd always gone to the bar for was somewhere I could forget my issues and concerns for one night. It was like (Y/N). Energetic...quiet at moments...and had its beauty. I never understood how people don't like bars. I sighed, tapping my fingers against my glass. "Hey there." A cheerful voice came from behind me. I turned around, seeing a younger brunette. "Hi." I gave a curt nod, turning back toward my beer. "Mind If I sit here?" She asked, signaling to the stool next to me. "Nope... don't mind at all." I took a long sip of the dark thick beer, swallowing it all. She grinned at me, "What's your name, pretty boy?" she asked, leaning forward on the table to see my face. "Dean. Dean Hammett." I lied, using the first last name that came to mind. The lead guitarist for Metallica. "Huh, neat last name. I'm Kara." She said, smiling. "And how old are you Kara?" I asked, remembering how set on (Y/N) was about the case. She was too stubborn... "7." She said, asking the bartender for an apple juice. "Um, sorry ma'am, we don't serve that here." The guy said, walking away. I cocked a brow, "7?" I repeated, looking at her as her eyes drifted outside. She nodded, "Yeah... my mommy said to go. She was scared." She said, looking down. "Huh..."

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