32-the upcoming.

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Sloane POV

I stare at the room waiting for anyone to ask anything they could be concerned about.

"I think we're good." Vhaerun.

"Nice one little princess." Falconia says ruffling my hair.

"I have analysed Cerise Nightshade's plan and it exhibits a 97% success rate." Adonis says.

"What about the 3%?" I ask.

"The three percent remains in the performance of you and the humans. The plan could fall apart if there is an error on one of your parts." He explains

"What kind of error?" Maude asks.

"The death of one of you will leave you useless on the field distracting the rest of our troops with concern of your safety in the humans case. In Ms Nightshade's scenario it could be her failure to properly execute her powers." He explains.

"Huh, can you generate scenarios that help with the full development of my powers as well as ensuring no humans gets distracted." I ask.

"For the humans you could loan some of your abilities, it doesn't weaken you or permanently alter them but it does decrease the chances of them dying on field. In your case Ms Nightshade you need to connect with the realm." He says.

"The realm? What realm?" Lake asks.

"Ms Nightshade is the product of a blood attuned and Aether spirit. In order for her to access her full capacity she needs to connect with the Aether realm." He says.

"How do I do that?" I ask.

"Ms Nightshade needs to die, her physical form is the tie that keeps her from her full potential. It is an anchor that keeps her here." He explains.

"How do you even know how to do that?" I ask.

"We're not killing her!" Vhaerun says.

"Out of the question." Adisia says.

"After our departure I accessed Ms Moon's old findings of your father's attunement and came up with conclusions to your situation. Once Ms Nightshade enters the Aether realm, she can bring back her father." 

The room stays deadly silent after that, no one could wrap their head around the new information Adonis found out.

"What happens if she stays with her anchor?" Cordelia asks.

"Then her body will fully exhaust itself and disintegrate. No human, Mage, Orc or Elf's body could handle that much growing potential."

"What happens after I die?" I ask.

"Cerise!" Adisia yells. "You're not doing this."

"No conclusion was found." He says standing there.

"So she could never come back?" Tempest asks.

He stays silent.

"Adonis!" Varona yells.

"You can't do this." Zeph says.

"It's going to happen, so it either happens when you need me the most-"

"-then you're already dead. If you decide you're going to let some robot tell you how your life is going to end then you've already died." Isis says leaving.

"I'll start with the transfer." I say walking out.

I take a breath as I head to the library. I fish out a spell book and began reading through the contents trying to find the transfer spell.


"Aunty." I say.

"You have to think about this." She says sitting beside me.

"What is there to think about? I'm going to die either way but I wanted to ask, what's your attunement?" I ask and she stays silent.

"Nether." She says.

"Oh so two peas in a pod." I say with a small smile.

"Maybe we can try another way." She says.

"Like what?" I ask.

"We go to the Elders." She say.

"You're joking." I say slamming the book shut.

"Just listen, Moon told me about the suppressant which means there's no way they could actually kill us, we just need them to talk."


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