Chapter Thirty-two

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Travelling alone with the Doctor has been most enjoyable for Cherry. So much so that she will probably be saddened when Amy and Rory's honeymoon inevitably comes to an end, and they both join the couple on their travels. She will, of course, be ecstatic to see them both after going so long without them, though she did see them briefly when the Doctor picked them up from the honeymoon planet and dropped them off on a Starliner where he got them the Honeymoon suite with the psychic paper. She misses them greatly, but the Doctor keeps her busy enough to take her mind off them completely, and she can still phone Amy whenever they need to chat.

She and the Doctor have grown quite domesticated during their time alone. Of course, they still go on wild adventures, and the Doctor likes to take her to the most extravagant places. They even went for a picnic on Asgard with River Song, whom Cherry grows increasingly fond of every time she meets her. It would be hard for her not to grow close to a woman who strongly reminds her of her best friend. However, when they are not taking down cybermen, saving planets from mutant plants, or picnicking on new and exciting planets, the Doctor and Cherry settle into a comfortable routine. They cook dinners together, and the Doctor shares his chef expertise. They read together. Cherry paints in the console room whilst the Doctor tends to the Tardis engine. Cherry even forces him to watch films with her some nights, but he tends to get quite restless and usually ends up reading during them. Then, they retire to bed, where they do everything but sleep for the first hour or so, and then Cherry falls into a deep slumber, trapping the Doctor in her bed. He's slept more in the brief time they've had alone together than he thinks he must have in his entire nine hundred years. Part of him wishes he had just told her he couldn't ever sleep, and then he wouldn't waste so many nights sleeping like some sort of ... well, human. But honestly, he doesn't really mind staying with her, especially considering the nightmares of horrifying stone statues, metal men and the Pandorica that plague her sleep so often now. At least this way, he can be there when she jerks awake, her eyes wide and her chest heaving with fright.

In fact, the pair are very contently enjoying one another's company when a light on the console begins to flash, emitting a loud beeping throughout the entire Tardis. Cherry frowns, peering at the Doctor over the top of her romance novel to see his reaction to the strange alarm-like sound. He jumps to his feet almost immediately, speeding to the console.

"What is that?" she asks, placing her book on the seat beside her.

"A distress signal," he answers as he rushes around, typing different things onto his keyboard, flipping different switches and levers, and pressing all sorts of buttons. The ship shakes around them as Cherry stands up and approaches the console. She grips onto the side of the control panel to steady herself. "From Amy and Rory. The starliner is crashing."

"What?" Cherry shouts, her eyes widening as she stares at him.

"Don't worry," the Doctor yells over the sounds of the Tardis in flight. "I've traced the signal. It will be easy to help them. Look!"

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