Chapter Forty-four

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The Ganger-Doctor screams out, clutching his head in agony

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The Ganger-Doctor screams out, clutching his head in agony. Cherry can't bear watching the man, even if it is a Ganger, in such pain and she turns her head, squeezing her eyes shut as the real Doctor draws closer to him. He holds one hand out cautiously as he creeps forward, a concerned look on his face.

"What's happening?" the Doctor asks him, carefully.

"I wonder if we'll get back... yes, one day..." the Ganger-Doctor breathes out and then he twitches in pain with another cry. "I've reversed the polarity of the neutron flow."

"Doctor, what's happening to him?" Cherry says, forcing herself to look at the Ganger. He's more stable now. Still writhing in pain and rambling all sorts of nonsense, but he looks like the real Doctor. No more translucent skin or red veiny eyes. The only visible difference between the pair is the shoes. The Ganger-Doctor has the usual lace-up boots that the real Doctor lost in the acid puddle, and the real Doctor is still sporting the brown Chuck Taylors.

"The flesh is struggling to cope with our past regenerations!" the Doctor explains to Cherry and the Ganger. "Hold on!"

"Would you like a jelly baby? Why? Why?"

"Why? Why what?" the Doctor asks his Ganger.

"Hello, I'm the Doctor!" the Ganger says, but his voice doesn't match his face. It's the voice of the Doctor Cherry met when she was seven years old. The Doctor's tenth regeneration. "No, let it go! We've moved on."

The Doctor rushes forward, grabbing onto his Ganger, and then they both cling to each other. Cherry steps forward to try to help or intervene in some way, but Jimmy and Cleaves hold her back, keeping her a safe distance from the Doctor and the unpredictable Ganger.

"Hold on, hold on, you can stabilise!" the Doctor encourages him.

"I've reversed the jelly baby of the neutron flow," the Ganger tells the Doctor. "I'm the would you like a... Doctor... Doctor... I'm... I'm the... I can't..."

"No, listen, hold on," the Doctor says. "Hold on."

"No!" the Ganger screams, shoving the Doctor away from him and across the room. Cherry breaks away from Cleaves and Jimmy and is at the Doctor's side immediately. She helps him stand up straight, keeping her eyes trained on the Ganger, who is yelling at them, back in flesh form. She flinches away from him, her grip tight on the real Doctor's arm and the Ganger Doctor pauses, registering the fear in Cherry's eyes.

The rest of the group, with help from Amy, are still trying to barricade the door against the other Gangers, who are fighting to get in outside.

"Charlotte," he gasps, reaching out to her, but she shrinks into the real Doctor's side. He cries out in pain again, stretching his chest and then his form stabilises and he no longer resembles the flesh. The Gangers on the other side of the door go silent, halting their efforts to break into the room.

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