Chapter 16: Bar mitzvah

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Yn pov
It was the day of Stanley's Bar mitzvah and I have a hour to get ready.


I slicked my hair back into a bun and did my edges

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I slicked my hair back into a bun and did my edges. I put some mascara on and lipgloss on. I smiled at myself. I never usually look like this.

I walked to Richie's house and we rode to the synagogue together.

We walked in. "Are we the only losers?" Stanley asked. "I think so" I said back placing a gift I got him on the table. We took our seats and Stanley started speaking.

"Reflecting on what I just read the word 'leshnot' comes up a lot. Which means, um, to transform. Which makes sense I geuss. Because today I am supposed to become a man. It's funny though. Everyone, I think has some memories they are more proud then others, right? And Mabey that's why change is so scary. Cause of the things we wish we could leave behind, the whispers we wish we could silence... the nightmares we most want to wake up from...the memories we wish we could change... secrets we feel like we have to keep, and the hardest to walk away from. The good stuff...the pictures in our minds that fade the fastest, those pieces of you feels the easiest to lose. Mabey, I don't want to forget Mabey, that's what todays all about, forget it right?" Stanly spoke

"thank you, Stanly." Stanley's dad spoke walking forward. He made eye contact with me and Richie.

"Uh, Today I was supposed to become a man, but I don't feel any different... I know I am a loser, and no matter what, I always fucking will be." Stanly spoke making everyone gasp.

Richie stood up and started clapping slowly. Then he got pulled down by his mom.

I got up to check and ran out the synagogue. I found him on a bench with his face in his palms

I walked up to him and sat down. I rubbed his back. His eyes meet mine. "That was amazing" I spoke.

"What?" He questioned. "That was the best fucking speech I have ever heard. I am proud of you" I said. Stanley smiled at me.

"Thank you" he said with a smile on his face. "You know your curls slicked back is funny" I said. He rolled his eyes at me.

"Oh go ahead Stanley roll your fucking eyes at me" we laughed. As our laughter died down we looked at each.

We lead closer till our lips inches away, until we heard an obnoxious voice. "Holy shit Stan that was fucking awesome!" Richie yelled running towards us. He high fives Stan.

I cough. "I should probably get going. But you did amazing Stan." I said kissing his cheek then grabbed Richie by his wrist and left.

They meet to kiss but I love the tension 🤞🏾

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