chapter 16 " Donation"

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We're here! She said

I was pleasantly surprised by the breathtaking view from this place. It offers an incredible panoramic view of the city, allowing me to observe the hustle and bustle of daily life from a bird's-eye view. The sight of Seoul's towering buildings juxtaposed against the surrounding trees creates a peaceful and calming atmosphere that is truly extraordinary.

As I closed my eyes to take a deep breath of fresh air and savored the scent of blooming flowers, she asked me a question that sparked curiosity in me. "Do you like it here?" Her words made me realize the beauty of the place and how much I enjoyed being there.

This place is breathtakingly majestic. I am in complete awe of the beauty and grandeur of this place. How did you stumble upon such a hidden gem? Do you come here often to bask in its splendor?

This place holds a special meaning to me, as someone close to my heart brought me here. She appeared on the verge of tears and spoke in a sorrowful tone.

I decided against delving into the specifics as I wanted to preserve the pleasant ambiance of the moment and prevent any potential emotional upheaval for her.

In that moment, a peaceful silence enveloped us. It wasn't an awkward one, but rather a moment of deep reflection and introspection.

As we sat there, taking stock of our lives, we could feel a desire stirring within us.

A desire to shed all the negativity and hurt that had been weighing us down, and to embrace a new beginning. This was our chance to start afresh, to leave behind all that no longer served us, and to take the first step towards a brighter future.

We stayed at the special place for a couple of hours. "Let's go," she said. As we walked away, she held my hand, and we swayed our hands with happiness and fulfilled hearts. It was indeed a memorable experience that we will cherish forever.

Where are we going next? I ask her.

"To the nearby chapel," she answered.


Even the small chapel has a majestic and solemn atmosphere that makes you feel uplifted. You can feel love, joy, peace, longsuffering, gentleness, goodness, and faith.

We went inside and started praying. After a few minutes, we headed outside, and the two sisters approached us.

One of the sisters hugged me tightly and exclaimed, "You came back, Vanessa! I knew you would."

You also bring Danielle with you, you make such a wonderful couple, and it brings me so much joy to see your happiness.

Feeling confused, I allowed her to embrace me, and, in turn, I hugged her back.

The second sister approached to break the embrace and expressed her apologies, "I'm so sorry", she said. Sister Olga suffers from dementia due to her old age, which causes her to behave unpredictably and say things that are often difficult to comprehend. As for myself, I am Sister Olivia."

"It's alright, sister Olivia. her embrace didn't bother me. I am happy to receive a hug from a wonderful sister," I said with a smile.

As we were about to enter the chapel, I observed that certain areas of the building required some maintenance work. I was happy to lend a hand and offered a small donation to support the cause. I retrieved my checkbook from my bag and filled out the donation slip with the desired amount.

This is a significant amount. A $25,000 donation will greatly benefit our church community and facilities. Thank you so much!

May I know the name of an angel brought to us by heaven? Sister Olivia asked with a beaming smile

"I'm Kang Haerin, you can just call me by my name, Sister Olivia."

"We said goodbye to both sisters and headed back home."


"Thank you for bringing me to this special place and introducing me to those special people," I said to Danielle as I held her hands and gazed softly into her eyes. Moments like these remind us of the true value of human connection and the importance of cherishing those who make our lives meaningful."

She squeezed my hand and said, "You are a beautiful person, and you deserve a wonderful life," while looking deeply into my eyes...

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