chapter 17 "last night"

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"Haerin, tonight will be our last night together, so I would like to take you out on a dinner date if that's okay with you. I will book a restaurant for us, and I'm sure you will love the place as well as the food."

"Are we going on a date?" I nervously asked her.

"Yes, you don't want to go out with me?" she teased me.

I wanted to, but I have never been on a date, so I don't know what to do or how to act.

She approaches me, gently cups my face, and gazes into my eyes. "Don't worry," she says, "I'll make sure tonight is perfect for us."

"Let's get ready for our first date she exclaimed with excitement and a charming smile.

I felt both excited and nervous as I stood in front of my closet after my shower, struggling to decide what to wear.

I tried to fit into a red and black dress. Although it looked good, it didn't feel right. It lacked that special something that would make it truly remarkable.

Then I took the latest dress I bought from DIOR, a white polo shirt on top of a black jumper dress. The combination looked remarkable and elegant.

Upon exiting my room, I found Danielle waiting in the living room. She looked up at me as I approached, her eyes piercing through me.

"Wow, you look gorgeous! Your outfit is perfectly suited to you."

Let's go! I can't wait to experience the perfect night out you promised. We both chuckled after I said it.


Hello, good evening, Miss Do you have a reservation for tonight? May I have your name to check our reservation system? a man in his late 40s asked while looking at the computer.

I told him that my name is Kang Haerin, but the reservation was under Miss Danielle Marsh's name.

"He stopped looking at his computer and turned his gaze towards us, looking surprised to see us."

Vanessa? He said in shock.

No, the reservation was under Danielle Marsh, as I repeated to him.

Yeah. Yes of course. Dani reserved the veranda area, her favorite spot in the restaurant.

Dani? "Who is Dani?

"I meant Miss Danielle Marsh," the man said.

A man helped us on the veranda and offered to have the chef prepare food for us. He mentioned that he would serve the best seller preferred by Dani and introduced himself as James, extending his hand for a handshake.

I shook his hand out of courtesy and felt he was a nice person. Upon looking at him, I noticed a striking resemblance to Danielle.

When James left, I mentioned to Danielle that maybe he had mistaken her for her brother since they looked alike.

"Danielle responded with a smile."

"Wow, they must really value you here. The best spot in the restaurant is reserved just for you. I can't help but admire the ambiance and aesthetics of this place - it's truly amazing. I have high hopes that the food will be just as impressive," I exclaimed to her, brimming with excitement and anticipation.

The two waiters arrived promptly with the food. The tantalizing aroma indicated its deliciousness.

Danielle, why are you being quiet? Is something bothering you?"

She smiled and said, "Nothing, Let's just enjoy the food, I want to see you happy."

As I held her hand and said "There's nowhere else I'd rather be than here with you tonight. Being with you brings me pure happiness."

With a gentle squeeze of my hand, she looked straight into my eyes and said, "I'm delighted to see you happy."

Danielle, there is one more thing that I would like to tell you.

What it is?

Can we just abolish our plan to jump into Hanggang Bridge?

"Can we start anew together? Let's help each other overcome the negative experiences of our past. Although we only met recently, you have transformed my outlook on life. You have given me a new sense of purpose and a reason to wake up in the morning. You have also made me feel emotions that I have never felt before, but that I genuinely enjoy. I still don't know what this feeling is, but I'm grateful for it."

"Danielle approached me while I was sitting and hugged me tightly. She said, "I have been waiting for you to say it. I will be with you no matter what. I will stay by your side and guide you day and night. No matter what happens to us, I won't leave you."

After our dinner, I thanked the two waiters who had served us earlier. I was searching for James to compliment him on the delicious food and great evening at his restaurant.

He went home immediately; he said there was an emergency at their home. One of the servers said.

We will just return here to say thank you to him at some other time. I said to the servers.



I just want to take a moment to thank you for reading my story. This is my first attempt at writing, so I apologize if there are any errors or if it's lacking in any way. I would greatly appreciate it if you could give me some feedback about the story. Even if you have a violent reaction, it will help me improve my writing skills. We have only 5 chapters left, and I must warn you, they are full of roller coaster emotions. I am a huge fan of Nicholas Sparks' writing, so you probably already have an idea of how this story will end.

Thank you


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