Family Reunion

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Your POV

The titan screeches and rumbling earth alerted us that the assault was in motion. Eren's plan to surprise attack Marley is happening now.

I sucked in a breath and turned to my team, giving them a nod, "Alright everyone, watch your backs and don't underestimate them."


I gave Levi one last firm nod, he returned it, and then we were off. We flew through the air with our upgraded ODM gear, cables whirring as we did.

Coming to a large open area of the town, we saw Eren's titan fighting the war hammer titan. We stopped, perched on rooftops nearby as we waited for Eren's signal.

It'd better be soon, seeing as his stomach had been pierced by a large spike and his arms were gone below the elbow.

"Usurper, Eren Yeager. Before you die, you may utter your final words," the war hammer said, holding the hammer up ready to swing.

There was a moment of silence before Eren replied, "It's time, Mikasa."

Said girl took off and launched a multitude of thunder spears into the titan's head, pulling the pins. The rest of us went ours toward the Marleyan soldiers.

We continued grappling around, using our explosives to take out any Marleyan soldiers who were shooting at us.

I couldn't help the scowl that made its way onto my face as I passed by all the bodies. Eren had killed all these people. Innocent people. Children. This wasn't looking good for us. How could we possibly convince the world we aren't who they think we are after this?

"You idiot..." I mumbled under my breath, "What have you done..."

The war hammer suddenly shot up, shooting a crossbow at Eren. I could see Mikasa grab him in time.

I watched from a rooftop as Mikasa continued dodging and attacking. But no matter how many times she hit its nape, it just wouldn't stop. That's when I spotted a tether.

The war hammer's shifter was controlling the titan from underground.

Eren must've seen it too, because he dove from the roof he was on and turned into his titan, grabbing the person and pulling them from the ground. They were enclosed in a cocoon of hardened titan flesh.

Eren ripped the tether from the thing and the titan dropped. I got a sudden pain in my chest that radiated up my neck and head.

"Eren, look out!" I shouted, seeing the jaw titan trying to sneak up on him. Eren wasn't fast enough to move away from the titan's attack.

It jumped forward with incredible speed and opened its strong jaws wide. "Y/N go!" I heard my husband yell.

I immediately followed his instructions, knowing exactly what he meant with his simple words. I jumped off the roof just as the titan sunk its teeth into Eren's nape. Within seconds I had sliced the jaw titan's jaw, Levi doing the same on the other side, its bite being temporarily stopped.

We skidded across the ground, landing on our feet, before using our ODM gear to go in for more. Taking the opportunity, Eren slammed his back into the wall, crushing the jaw titan. He then grabbed it by its hair. But the jaw titan used its claws to rip into his hand and set itself free, going to climb the buildings to get away.

"Oh no you don't," I mumbled aiming a thunder spear near its hand. Before the titan could grab the wall, it exploded, sending it falling back to the ground. We all descended upon the titan, ready to take down whoever was controlling it. I started to feel the twinge in my chest that meant something was wrong. My eyes widened as I yelled, "Everybody get down!"

Levi Ackerman x Reader (Without You)Where stories live. Discover now