10 Years Later...

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Your POV

Levi and I spent the next 10 years helping the people affected by the rumbling. We helped rebuild cities, reunite families, and restore the trampled earth. It was hard work, and we had to adjust to life with Levi in a wheelchair. For a while, it frustrated him that he couldn't do all the things he used to, but we worked through it together. 

It took me a while to adjust to not having titan powers anymore. For the first few months, I forgot that I couldn't heal like I used to and would often find myself frustrated when I got hurt. There was a time when we were building a city that I fell and sprained my ankle. It annoyed me so much that I couldn't walk on it for two weeks when I would've been fine in an hour or two when I had my powers. 

Levi was a great help during that. He constantly made it a point to make sure I was okay. I found it annoying at times, but at the end of the day I appreciated it. He was just trying to make sure I was being responsible with my body, and I was grateful for it.

2 years after the rumbling, Levi and I had our first child. A girl who we named Zoe in honor of Hanji. She had Levi's hair and my eyes, just as I had seen it in my visions. Having a baby was a lot of work too. There were plenty of sleepless nights and tired days. But Levi turned out to be a fantastic father, doting on his daughter quite a bit. 

After realizing how hard having a baby was, we were a little stressed when we found out I was pregnant again right after our daughter turned 1. Having 2 kids under 2 sounded terrifying. But in the end, we made it work. We had a son with my hair and Levi's eyes and decided to name him Eren after my brother. He slept much more than Zoe did, but he was still just as stressful. 

So, here we are 10 years later. Our daughter Zoe was now 8 and reminded me so much of her dad. She was blunt, but she was always caring when it came to her little brother. She was always doing things her way, very stubborn just like her dad. 

Our son Eren just turned 6, and he was exactly like me. He was super sarcastic and quick witted. But he was also very kind and could be the sweetest kid you'd ever meet. He was attached to my hip, a total mama's boy. But I didn't blame him, seeing as his sister was a daddy's girl. 

Today was just like every other day. Levi and I were sitting outside of our small house in the countryside of Marley. Our kids were running around and playing in the field outside while we watched. Zoe had an unhealthy obsession with bugs that reminded me so much of Hanji. She loved nothing more than to be outside and watching the bugs. 

Eren reminded me a little bit of my brother in the sense that he could be a little reckless. It was only little things, like climbing trees all the way to the top or trying to jump across the wide stream that ran behind our house. Sometimes he just reminded me so much of Eren in those moments. 

Currently, Zoe was showing Eren a stick bug she had found, shooting off facts that she knew from the top of her head. Eren was half listening as he got a foothold on the large rock near the edge of the forest that was beside our house. Levi and I were sitting in the grass, keeping an eye on them or just talking amongst ourselves.

This is how we spent our days. The way I used to live inside the walls seemed so foreign to me now. The fact that I didn't have to wake up afraid that I might be eaten was amazing. I can't believe how freeing it feels to simply exist.

"What're you thinking about?" Levi asked from my side. 

I turned to him, seeing he was looking at me already. I sighed in content, replying, "Just appreciating life. Thinking about how crazy it is that we've only been living like this for 10 years. It feels like a different life."

"Yeah, you can say that again," he replied, laying back in the grass with his arms resting behind his head. 

I laid down beside him, closing my eyes and letting the sun beat down on my face. We were quiet for a moment, just existing in each other's presence. "Levi... I'm so happy. After Eren... I never thought I'd be happy again. I thought there would always be this gaping hole where he used to be. And there still is... But I've gotten to a point where I can think about him and smile. I remember the good times we spent together more than anything. Same with Hanji and Erwin."

"I'm happy too." I opened my eyes and rolled onto my side to face him as he talked, "For the first time... I feel okay. These first couple years after the rumbling I was worried about people that would still hate Eldians. It took me a long time to feel safe. But now I can sleep at night without worrying about what'll happen while I'm asleep. I miss our comrades... But I can rest easy knowing that we accomplished what they worked for."

I smiled at him as he turned to face me as well. I took in his features. His face had aged slightly in the last 10 years. The scars were still visible from when Zeke set off the thunder spear. His hair was still jet black, but there were a few grey hairs here and there. His left eye was still a beautiful blue-grey and his right was a milky white from the explosion. But still... He was so beautiful to me. And seeing him smiling and genuinely happy made my heart soar. I leaned over and slowly connected our lips, kissing him sweetly. 

After reflecting on both of our lives, it was clear that neither of us had it easy. We'd experienced so much loss and heartache. But in all that time, we'd managed to keep each other. It was destined. A future that remained unchanging no matter how many times the world tried to change it. 

After losing so much in the pursuit, we had finally achieved the life we had dreamed of all those years ago when we were still in the walls. And now, there was nothing left to do but sit back and enjoy it with my husband and our children. Finally, we received our happy ending.

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⏰ Last updated: May 14 ⏰

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