Chapter 30

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Marinette laid down in her bed as she saw Tikki land beside her giving her a sad look. Marinette exchanged a melancholic look back but tried her best to hide it as she heard tapping above her. She opened the glass opening above her bed to find Scabious. She smiled and she let him inside, hearing him say his detransformation words.

"Hey Tikki." Adrien said, seeing Tikki sitting on Marinette's pillow.

"Hey Adrien." Tikki said, giving the best smile she could muster.

Adrien turned to see Marinette sit back on the bed beside Tikki and noticed the mood was rather... gloomy.

"You're both worried about Plagg too... huh?" Adrien said, trying to hide his worry as well.

"Hu-Huh? U-us? No! Not at all!" Marinette said.

"Come on Marinette, I know you by now. You're the guardian. I know you're worried about Plagg. I know Tikki is definitely worried about Plagg." Adrien said, sitting down and crawling toward them.

"I'm sorry. I just... I shouldn't have let this happen." Marinette said with a frown.

"It's going to be ok. Also... shouldn't I be saying that? It wasn't a complete loss though... right?" Adrien said, trying to give her a smile.

"I-.. I'm sorry. I shouldn't be so negative. You're right... Something positive came out of it." Marinette said with a faint smile.

"Why not get some sleep and we will come up with a plan tomorrow?" Adrien suggested.

"What if... your father does something to Plagg?" Marinette said worriedly.

"I know Plagg. He will either drive my Father crazy or... he will keep him inside the miraculous. Either way... Plagg will be just fine. I know my Kwami... my friend... Don't worry, buggaboo." Adrien smiled, laying down on the bed beside Marinette.

Marinette thought for a moment and took a deep breath in. She let it out and nodded, laying beside Adrien. Adrien pulled the blankets over both of them as Tikki floated over then turned the lights out.

The next morning came and the sound of thunder and rain on the glass above them could be heard. Marinette opened her eyes slowly and saw that the day was going to be a dark and stormy one.

"Come on Adrien. We need to get ready for school. It's raining. We need to leave soon so we aren't wet...The rain might slow us down so we need to leave earlier or we'll be late." Marinette said, sitting up and yawning.

Though as Marinette sat up she looked around and he was nowhere to be found. There was a bag sitting at the end of the bed with a little note attached to it. She crawled to it and opened it. There was a croissant and some strawberries inside. Marinette ripped the note off of the side of the bag and read it.

"I heard it start raining early this morning. I figured since you were so stressed last night I would get you some breakfast. I'll meet you at school. Hope you enjoy! See you soon."

Marinette smiled as she took out some of the food and started to eat it as she climbed down the ladder. Tikki floated over and began to eat some strawberries that Marinette handed her. Marinette left the bakery with a black umbrella that she still held onto from a few years ago, a light blush spreading across her cheeks as she held it tightly within her hands.

She never did give it back to him. She almost didn't want to. It was when she had fallen for him. She wanted to keep it. She knew he wouldn't mind after all.

Marinette walked into class, seeing Felix and Adrien talking to the teacher. She walked over to Alya and Nino, wondering what they were both up to.

"What's going on?" Marinette asked.

Thunderstorms Series: Part 3 (Drenched)Where stories live. Discover now