Chapter 33

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Adrien took a few steps backward, gathering the power to even speak the words he needed to make the wish.

"I... I..." He stumbled over his words, fighting the tears, looking at his father in front of him.

"I wish... I wish my mother was awake. My father... has agreed to make the sacrifice... and will take full responsibility... h-he will take the consequences." Adrien managed to say.

He saw the ring and the ear rings both began to glow. Adrien, Gabriel and Marinette all watched as they began to float out of Adrien's hands. As both miraculous began to float and glow, suddenly the light changed into a lime green. Then around the green light a red mass began to stir around both of them. With further inspection, they saw that they were surrounded by ladybugs. The ladybugs were swirling around it as the green light grew brighter and brighter. The light flashed, causing everyone to shield their eyes or turn away. Once the light faded Adrien blinked several times. His eyes adjusted to the now surrounding scenes and saw his mother laying where Gabriel was standing. Adrien looked at Marinette and walked over to Marinette, handing back her miraculous. Adrien placed his ring back on his finger and slowly crept toward his mother who lay only a few feet in front of him. As Adrien made it to his mother, he gently nudged her shoulder, and to his surprise, she started moving. She opened her eyes and looked around then sat up.

"A-Adrien?" She faintly said.

Adrien turned to Marinette with tears almost exploding from his eyes. Emelie gave a soft smile and wrapped her arms around him, holding him as tight as she could. Adrien wrapped his arms around her and cried into her. Marinette walked closer to them after she put her earrings back in.

"I am going to go to the hospital, Adrien." She said, cutting through the silence and slight sounds of crying.

He turned to look at her and wiped his face.

"To go check on my father?" He asked, while she nodded.

Marinette transformed back into Ladybug and saw Adrien and his mother also standing.

"Why don't you take her back to your home so she can rest?" Ladybug asked.

Adrien nodded, thinking that she had rested plenty in the coma but she might be a little overwhelmed. Adrien transformed back into Chat noir, reunited with his little friend. Chat noir walked over to Ladybug and stared at her for a second, then burst into her arms, wrapping his arms around her. Ladybug was a little surprised by the sudden hug but hugged him back nonetheless. Before they broke their hug, Chat noir whispered into her ear.

"Thank you... Thank you for everything, Marinette." He then leaned out and let go of her, walking back to his mother.

Ladybug blushed and smiled, then used to her yoyo to zip her way toward the hospital. When Ladybug returned to the hospital, everything was back to normal. Her miraculous ladybug's had restored everything... thank goodness. She walked back to what used to be Emelie's hospital room and she found Gabriel in the bed instead. She walked over to him, sitting in a chair beside the bed. She frowned as she stared at him, the moonlight hitting her back and his face ever so gently.

"Your wife is alive... Like you planned on. Adrien is happy to see her... but once that happiness fades... he will be sad again... because you're gone. Was this actually what you wanted..? Are you sure there was no other way?" Ladybug said, talking to Gabriel as he lay motionless in front of her.

Adrien picked his mother up in his arms and made their way to his home. He landed in front of the Agreste household and detransformed, out of habit he made sure no one saw. Emelie looked around, admiring everything about their home. Adrien smiled, filled with joy to see his mother in his home again, with him again, alive... again! He watched as she walked around Gabriel's office and then to the living room, then she finally made it up to his room. She smiled as she observed his room.

"This is your room?" She asked, turning to him.

Adrien nodded brightly.

"You room is so far from your father's... Did you two... get along?" She asked.

"We... uh... we never really saw one another." He admitted.

"What do you mean?"

"He was just always busy... with work... and akumatizing people." He said, looking away out of slight anger.

"Your father had good intentions... but he lost himself. Do not be angry with your Father." Emelie said placing a hand on his cheek and lifted his head to look at him.

"I'm sorry mother. I'll try." Adrien said, seeing his mother smile.

"Thank you Adrien." She said, turning around and walking toward the door.

"Mother?" Emelie turned back to face him. "I have some stuff to tell you."

She looked at him concerned, and saw him go sit on his bed. She walked to him and sat beside him.

"Felix and Aunt Amalie both moved in." He sighed.

"Why is that a bad thing?" She asked confused. "Last time you loved being around your cousin."

"It's not that. Aunt Amalie had gotten custody of me since Father went to jail."

"Adrien... you worry too much. You know me and my sister get along quite well. She will give me back custody. You are my child after all." Emelie laughed slightly.

"So they can stay here?" Adrien asked.

The question took Emelie by surprise but she started laughing. She finally caught her breath and turned to him.

"Adrien, she's my sister after all. Her and her son are absolutely able to stay... as long as they wish." She smiled.

"I'm glad... Felix and I... when we were younger didn't get along... but we're finally on each other's good side now. I wouldn't want that to be any other way." Adrien said.

Adrien and his mother talked for a long time. Long enough that they both fell asleep on his bed. The moon outside cascaded on his bed, revealing Plagg giving a worried look as he ate a piece of cheese. 

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