Chapter 35

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Marinette was laying in bed, staring at her phone, with a message written to Adrien. She sighed and deleted it, throwing it to the side. She turned to Tikki and frowned. Tikki floated over to her and landed beside her. Marinette started crying and held her friend close, knowing she would have to give her up.

"I don't want you to go Tikki. I need you. You're my bestfriend." Marinette cried.

"This isn't goodbye for good Marinette." Tikki said, hugging her back. "Whether you need me to fight akumas or someone to talk to... or even if people of Paris need help, I'll be there."

Marinette sniffled and tried to get herself together. She wiped her tears and sat up. She had things to do before Adrien... Chat noir would show up.

"Come on Tikki, we have work to do." Marinette said.

She transformed and zipped her way to the Eiffel tower. Ladybug zipped back and forth, making her way to different stores and then back to the Eiffel tower. She worked until the sun was setting and she finally sat down with a sigh of relief, thankful she got everything done in time. When the crimson sun finally set behind the building, she lit the candles that surrounded her. Before she knew it, he was making his way to her. She watched his jump from home to home, and used his baton to extend his way up to the tower. Her heart started beating so fast and her face flushed red, just waiting for him to see everything.

When he arrived he was met with a breath taking scene. Dim lit candles surrounded the entire scenery, Ladybug standing in the middle. He walked to her slowly, amazed at everything she had done. It resembled the time he lit all of the candles when they were younger. Ladybug was smiling, seeing all of the candles reflecting in his green cat eyes, amazed at everything.

"I figured... you needed a little spirit boost." She smiled, with a blush on her face.

"This... this is amazing buggaboo." He replied. "You did all of this... for me?"

He turned to look at her and she nodded.

"You're being the flirty one now... milady." He smiled devilishly. "What are you up to?"

She smiles and sits down, then pats beside her for him to sit. He cautiously walks over and sits down beside her. He swallows when he sits down, a little anxious. She sighs and closes her eyes, then leans her head on his shoulder. He held his breath, afraid for what was to come. She was being more affectionate than she usually was. Something was wrong. Something was wrong and he knew it. Regardless he leaned his head on hers and placed his hand on top of hers.

"We did it. We did good kitty." Ladybug smiled, her eyes still closed.

"We did milady." He smiled, lifting his head off of hers and used his hand to pull her face toward his gently.

He leaned down and swiftly touched her lips to his. Their faces red from the affection, remembered that their reveal was on the Eiffel tower. He remembered how nervous they were, how long it took them to realize they loved eachother. His soft kiss turned into a bright smile, causing Ladybug to open her eyes and lean out of their kiss.

"What are you smiling for?" She asked.

"Just... we've come so far from when we first met. I'm glad we're together, milady." He smiled, looking at her blue bell eyes.

Ladybug sighed and took hold of his hand. She looked at him with a saddened expression, seeing her in the reflection of his eyes.

"I... I didn't meet you here tonight to kiss around the candle light, Chat Noir." She frowned.

His once bright smile... now faded into a sad melancholic one. He knew there was something wrong. This was it. What could be so bad that it would make her sad and do all of this for him? Wait... was she... was she breaking up with him?

"Chat..." She began.

"Stop... please don't do this." He pleaded, looking in her eyes.

"But Chat we don't-"

"Please Ladybug... we've been together too long to just... Please... don't do this to me..." He said, hugging her now as tight as he could.

"Ok... But only for a little while. Ok? We're done as super heros... we don't need Plagg and Tikki..." She said, hugging him back.

His eyes shot open. She was talking about giving Plagg back to her... not breaking up with him. It still hurt regardless. He didn't want to give up his bestfriend.

"A little while..? Milady... there are plenty of things we can do to help Paris, even with my Father gone. Like... we could help the police catch the criminals. People could be in burning buildings and need our help? What about all of the kittens that are stuck in the trees? You wouldn't help the poor kittens?" He said, looking at her with a sad pouting face.

Ladybug looked at him and rolled her eyes.

"There could... even be princesses in need of company." He said, smirking.

"Chat! Ugh... fine... I honestly don't want to give up Tikki either. You have to promise... no, pinky promise." She said, lifting her pinky for him.

"Pinky promise? Promise what?" He asked, lifting his own pinky.

"If there is ever a time that we need a Chat noir, you'll be my first call... I promise kitty cat."

Chat noir frowned with his ears folding down and saw that her pinky was shaking. She was afraid. Afraid of losing her own best friend. They were in the same position.

Chat noir grit his teeth and placed his pinky around hers. She was so afraid that he wouldn't love her if she wasn't ladybug. That's one reason why they kept their identities secret, besides Hawkmoth finding out.

He hugged her tighter and leaned down to her ear.

"I will love you even without the mask, milady. Ladybug or Marinette... you are the same to me." He said, holding her tighter.

He felt her wrap her arms around him and tightened her grip.

"Thank you... Adrien."

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