Chapter 38

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Around 5:00, there was a knock at the front door. Amalie walks up to the front door and finds Lila standing there.

"Oh? Who might you be?" Amalie asked.

"Me? I apologize. Your son invited me tonight to your dinner." She smiled.

Amalie's eyes widened, as she was unaware that her son invited a girl over for dinner.

"Please come in, they are all upstairs." She smiled back.

"They?" Lila asked, walking inside.

"Felix, Adrien... and Marinette." she replied, shutting the door behind her.

Lila glared thinking about Marinette but she turned around and smiled at Amalie.

"Of course. Dinner is at 6, right? I'll make sure they come down at the right time." Lila said with a cheerful smile as she made her way up to the room.

"Yes and thank you so much. It was nice to meet you...uhh..." She stopped, not knowing the girl's name.

"It's Lila. Lila Rossi." Lila smiled.

"Yes... Nice to meet you Lila." Amalie smiled.

"Same with you ma'am."

Lila walked up the stairs and walked the halls until she heard people talking. She walked up to Adrien's door and opened the door slightly, peeking inside. Adrien, Marinette and Felix all were sitting on the bed talking to one another. Lila rolled her eyes and opened the door all of the way, causing everyone to turn and look at her.

"Lila?!" Marinette said surprised.

"Why are you here, Lila?" Adrien asked cautiously.

"I invited her." Felix interrupted.

"You did what?" Marinette shot him a dirty look.

"Oh, why do you both despise me so much? I haven't done anything to either of you." Lila pouted, looking at both Adrien and Marinette.

"You did plenty and you know that." Marinette glared, only giving fague information.

Lila had done many things to Marinette but she was mainly talking about where she tied Adrien up and then took her and his miraculous away. Good thing was, she didn't know she was Ladybug. She didn't want her knowing either, in case she spilled the information... which she probably would do.

"I don't recall." Lila smiled, walking over and sat close to Felix.

"Lila... You're early... Also I invited her here to make friends. I know she's done wrong but everyone deserves a second chance." Felix said.

"Oh.. yeah. I had to clear my schedule just to fit in this dinner. I knew Felix would want me to come since... he directly called me and wished for me to be here." Lila said with a smirk.

Adrien was about to speak up but then heard his mother call for him. Adrien let out a breath and stood up.

"I'll be right back." Adrien said as he stood up and took his leave.

Adrien walked down the stairs and found her walking into the kitchen. He followed her and found her worried.

"What's the matter?" He asked.

"I'm not sure what would be best for our dinner tonight. Is anyone allergic to anything?" She asked worriedly.

"Not that I'm aware of." He replied.

"What about this?" She said, pointing to a recipe within a book.

Meanwhile, Marinette, Felix and Lila were looking at one another in silence. The tense air between them was rather harsh.

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