Chapter 40

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As soon as the words escaped her lips, she felt like the tense air around her lessened. It finally felt like she could breathe. She felt Adrien hold her hand under the table. Adrien. Her partner. Her lover. He is always there for her. A flash of Chat noir shot through her mind as she looked at Adrien and she smiled.

The sound of chairs sliding against the floor pulled her from her daydreams, causing her to look at both her mother and father who were now standing. They made their way around the table, with a look she couldn't figure out. It was a look she couldn't escape. She couldn't pull her gaze away until they were directly in front of her. Her eyes now on their shoes as they stood in front of her. She held her breath, afraid of what was going to be said. She closed her eyes tightly, so afraid.

She was met with a burst of warmth a few seconds later, as her mother and father both surrounded her. They wrapped their arms around her, hugging her tightly. She looked at them, the warmth they once had returned. She hugged them back and felt a familiar face.

"Ouch!" Adrien said, as Marinette had hit him with her hand as she hugged her family.

Not only did they hug her, but they were also hugging Adrien as well. She then adjusted her hand to caress his cheek and hugged everyone tighter.

"We love you so much. You two have been through so much the past two years... how much you had to endure. Days and days of fighting." Tom said as he squeezed.

"We're so sorry for not trusting you. We're sorry for grounding you for being late and all the times you made excuses about where you were that didn't add up." Sabine explained.

They let go a few moments later and looked at Marinette. Just appreciating everything she... they had endured to save Paris. Such a burden they both had to take on.

"Does... this mean Mari can go on the weekend trip with us?" Felix asked, causing everyone to turn and look at him.

Sabine turns to Tom and they both sigh.

"Chat noir... has been coming over and sleeping at our house for about two years now..." Tom started.

"We suppose that should be fine... as long as Marinette gets her own room."

"And no funny business." Tom interrupted.

As Tom said that, Adrien and Marinette's face both went back to a cherry red.

Felix snickered along with Lila beside him. Lila turned to him and got his attention.

"Felix? Will everyone be going on this trip?" Lila asked.

"Yeah. Will you join us too? We could ask your-"

"No! I mean... no, I'm far too busy to leave Paris. Thank you anyways, Felix. I will surely meet with you all once you get back." Lila smiled innocently.

Felix didn't know what she was up to but he brushed it off. He liked her. He couldn't deny that, but when he turned back to Adrien and Marinette, his eyes fixed on Marinette. He couldn't get her out of his head, no matter how hard he tried. He attached himself to Lila to not make his cousin worry and he does like her... but not the way he liked Marinette. This... was something else entirely.

"Well... that was all we wanted to discuss. Mr. and Mrs. Dupain Cheng? I will get your contact number and give you any details you wish." Emelie smiled, glad everyone would be coming.

The rest of the night went fairly well. Marinette and Adrien started to calm down through out, still a little embarrassed about having to stay with one another a whole weekend. They knew they did it already but it was different now that their families knew about it. They made the entire thing weird and awkward. Even just sitting beside Adrien was... different now. It made her heart skip a beat any time he would glance over at her.

As the night went on, everyone had left the dining room. Adrien and Marinette were snuggled up on the couch in the living room, where their parents could see them. Felix and Lila were also beside them, but not snuggled up, they were sitting properly on the couch watching. Lila would get up every once in a while, either to talk to the parents or use the restroom. Everytime she would get up alone, Adrien and Marinette's eyes would be glued on her, causing Felix to become a little irritated with them both.

After the show they were watching ended, Sabine and Tom waved their hands, letting Marinette it was time to go home. She did need to pack after all for the trip started the next day. Adrien walked Marinette to the door, as he always did if she came by and leaned down to her. He glanced over and saw Sabine and Tom looking at them both so he nervously placed a kiss on her cheek and saw her smile back at him. He leaned back out with a nervous chuckle and they told each other goodnight. Sabine, Tom and Marinette departed and Adrien started up to his room. Lila and Felix must have made their way around the house because Lila had passed Adrien on the way down.

"Bye Adrien! Have fun on the trip." She smiled, quickly making her way to the front door.

"Yeah, see you around Lila." He replied, seeing her shut the door behind her, leaving.

As Adrien made it up the stairs, he saw Felix leaning against a nearby wall with his arms crossed.

"See... she isn't so bad." He said, before taking his leave into his own room.

Adrien rolled his eyes with a smile and went inside his own room, falling on his back onto his bed. He smiled and took a deep breath, thankful to have his friend back. Plagg floated over and smiled, then flew over to get his cheese. Like it was any other day. Adrien stood up and grabbed his suitcase, then started packing everything he needed for the trip. The movement in the room from Plagg eating caught his attention every once in a while. Even if Plagg caught his attention, for some reason his eyes kept drifting to his bathroom. The door was half open.

He was trying to remember if he or someone else closed it before dinner or did they leave it that way. After a few minutes of pondering, he carefully walked over and stuck his head inside to look around. No one was inside. He opened the door all the way and kneeled down under the sink. He opened the bottom cabinets to where he and Marinette discussed to stash the miracle box, but found nothing inside the little hiding spot. He was about to panic, but remembered that Marinette was Ladybug. She more than likely came by and got it, opening the door to see if he was inside. It made sense. She was paranoid after all about being the guardian, why wouldn't she leave the box with her family who also knew she was Ladybug. They could keep it safer than anyone. He breathed a sigh of relief and grabbed the rest of his bathroom items and placed them inside the suitcase.

Adrien: I can't wait to go on this trip with you.

Marinette: Same. It will be nice to have a relaxing vacation, not having to worry about anything.

With that, they both went to sleep. Eager for the next day where they would spend the entire weekend with each other in peace. Actually able to have fun. Unaware that a brown haired girl with devious plans was looking down at the miracle box that sat in her lap. 

Thunderstorms Series: Part 3 (Drenched)Hikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin