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I dedicate this book to those ladies, women, wives out there struggling in their homes, and in their marriages, either in the hands of their hubbies, mothers-in-law, or any other relatives.


Copyright © 2023 by Ifhy Philip.
All Rights Reserved.

All forms of reproduction, distribution, scanning, uploading, or transmission in parts or full, without prior written permission of the author is vehemently prohibited. Any form of plagiarism will be thoroughly prosecuted. Thank you for supporting the author's rights.

|Author's Note|

This story is absolutely not for everyone. I have come to realize that no book, or no story can satisfy every reader.

This story is mostly written in my country settings. The West Africa. So some languages, places, and names are all from my tribe. My country.
This story contains mature scenes, and languages which pretty much may not sit well with a few.
And also, if you don't like my story, how it's written, the characters and settings, I'd advise you NOT to read it. Or dropping negative comments with unnecessary hate.
But to those of you who're willing to give my story a chance, I say a very BIG THANK YOU!

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