|Chapter 35|

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“William!” I don't know if I said his name aloud or not. But the instant he sees me, he freezes. Every cell in my body is clamoring to throw my arms around him. But I stand stock-still. I quickly remember when I had stayed up all night thinking about him. What is he doing here? I want to shout, but I just stand there. So does he.

“Hello, Muna,” he says. “I came to find you. May I have a word with you?”

“Er . . . All right,” I reply.

The two of us turn to go into the lounge, but there are several knots of people chatting there. We try the dinning room, but the servants are setting up the tables for breakfast already.

“Let's go onto the veranda,” I suggest, feeling suddenly that if I don't breathe some fresh air, I might faint.
William marches through the door and hold it open for me.

“Thank you,” I say, as I walk through.

I gulp the night air as William comes to my side. “I'm so glad to see you again, Muna.” He pats my hand. The touch of his fingers on my bare skin burns right through my entire form so quickly it takes away my breath.  “Muna,” he begins again, my name a nervous quaver. “I came back to tell you that I have made a very important decision, and it is one that I think you have much to do with. Two weeks ago, at a church gathering in London, I decided to accept Jesus Christ as my Lord and Savior.”

“William! I'm so glad, so very glad.” I want to fling my arms around him and hug him, but I hesitate. I stand staring at William for a moment, and suddenly the thought comes to me that if I can't hug someone who has just changed the course of his entire life, and the life to come, perhaps I have a heart of stone. I fling my arms around him and hug him. Then moment on I let him go as if he is a hot coal.

“I'm glad that you turned down my proposal, Muna,” he says. “I don't know what I was thinking. And by doing that you've made me sit down and rethink my life. I'll be returning to London soon again.”

“You're going back again?”

“Yes. To go to medical school my grandfather has always been telling me all my life, so I can become a doctor. But I was rebelling against him, spending money in traveling around the globe. Muna, if it weren't for your prayers and work that saved my life, and if you had not turned down my proposal, I would never have come to the end of my rope. I would never have seen that God is my salvation. I would still be running away from my responsibilities. I am grateful for everything that has happened, Muna.” He pauses, takes a deep breath, and turns to face me. “And I am grateful for you, Muna.”

“Will I ever see you again, William?” My voice is small, almost lost in the vast black night.

“Yes, nothing could keep me from coming back.”

“I'll miss you. Again.”

“I'll think of you every single day, Muna.” 

I feel a warm rush of joy burst over me. There's no mistaking my feelings this time. I look up into his familiar blue eyes, and my heart starts to beat fast.

“I love you, William Constant,” I say. He stares at me surprisingly. “I was just too afraid to admit it. My past—”

“Forget about the past.” He takes my hand and pulls me close to him. “You are living in the present now, Muna.”

“I can't bear you children even if I marry you William.”

“Is that part of what you are afraid of?” I nod. “I do not care about that at all.”


“Yes, Muna! Lord! Can you not see how deeply I'm in love with you?” I smile, and so does he. “So, will you wait for me, Muna?”

“With all my heart, William.”

He slowly leans in and kisses me before whispering, “Will you come to church with me in the morning? I'll drive over and fetch you.” I nod, and he kiss me one last time. 

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