|Chapter 22|

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The news of my release catch me unawares. After Doris' confession, Pa feels I should no longer be in the police custody. Ma isn't happy about it. Since she's promised to make me rot in jail. When the detective bring in the papers of my imminent release, I break down and weep.

“At last, the truth has triumphed. God has finally done it,” I say tearfully.

It, however, took few hours before I'm finally allowed out. After signing the release papers and changing into my own filthy clothes, I freely walk out of the station finding Pa waiting outside the building. I feel relieved seeing him standing alone without Ma and leaning against his car.

I smile weakly as I approach him. “Hello, Pa,” I say.

He smiles back. “Hello, Munachi.” His face suddenly becomes sullen. “I'm sorry I never paid you any visit while you were locked up in there. I was too shattered to face you.”

“I understand, Pa. Losing Nate must be so shocking and heartbreaking for you and Ma. It is for me too so I completely understand.”

“I also want to apologize on behalf of my wife. Nathaniel's death came as a bolt from the blue to her and I. I also didn't expect he'd do such a thing. To you. And to that poor little girl. I was so annoyed when I discovered everything. I had no idea Vanessa knew about the whole thing. To you and the girl. She couldn't even deny it when I confronted her. I guess I've been too lenient with her that it made her grow winds and do as she pleases.” He sighs before he continues. “She even tried to stop me from bailing you out. Even after Doris confesses. Can you imagine? I figured she must be responsible for what Nathaniel became before his death. She must have pushed him into doing the things he did. I knew my son. I didn't raise him to be a monster. His mother was responsible for everything which is why I'm apologizing for it now. Can you find it in your heart to forgive us?” He presses his palm together in a pleading gesture.

I take his hands. “It's okay, Pa. I'm not mad at you at all.”

“And Vanessa?” he asks.

“Well. I was mad at her and never wanted to forgive her, since she was the one responsible for locking me up and having me tortured. But now I don't feel that way anymore. But I don't think I ever want to have anything to do with her. I'm sorry to say, but I'm severing all ties with her. I hope you understand, Pa?”

“Oh, yes, yes. Of course I do. Which is why I'll help you. I figured that after everything that's happened, you might want to move on with your life and perhaps far away from the city.”

“I've never thought about that. But now that you've mentioned it, I think I'd love to move to another city. And probably get myself a suitable job.”

“That's right. Nate mentioned to me once that you worked as a nurse before.”


“Hmm.” He thinks. “I think I know how I can help you get a job and—”

“I'm so sorry, Pa. But I don't think I'd need your help.”


“I really do want to get away from everyone and everything. I appreciate you trying to help, but I don't want to be indebted to you or anyone else.”

He heaves a sigh and nods his head. “All right. But at least can I give you a ride? Away from this place?”

“Okay, Pa,” I agree, since I don't want to take a taxi in filthy clothes.


I'd secured and paid for a good flat to live in, starting my life anew. I as well attended the weekly prayer meetings in my neighbor's church since I viewed my ordeal of the years and few months as punishment for distancing myself from God.

I attend church the following Friday afternoon and quietly take my place in the back seat. It's a crowded congregation make up mostly of women and children who are dancing and clapping to the music from the choir.

“This afternoon, I want to share with you a message called 'Tragedy'.” The Reverend's voice is sweetly amplified by the microphone. “But first, what is tragedy? Tragedies demonstrate the horror of sin. Jesus declared that those who had perished were not worse sinners than all others. And before we open our Bibles and read some verses, I just want to share with you the most important thing that I believe we can learn from tragedy which is God being control. No matter how tragic or how hard and tough the situation may be, God is always in control.” The Reverend pauses for a while, his eyes racing across the congregants. “Tragedy can be a test. In the book of Job, Job was a prosperous man of outstanding piety. And the devil acted as an agent provocateur to test whether or not Job's piety is rooted merely in his property. But faced with the appalling loss of his possession, his children, and finally his own health, Job still refuses to curse God. And then, everything he had lost was restored unto him. I want you to know today that no matter the situation may be God cannot forsake you. He cares for you. In 1 Peter 5:7, casting all your anxieties on him, because he cares for you. Psalm 34:18, the Lord is near to the brokenhearted and saves the crushed in spirit . . .”

The prayer session begins and the church rises to pray. I join in, praying with all my heart. I begin to attend church regularly. To keep myself occupied and forestall unnecessary disturbance from men, I join the Christian Missionaries Association (CMA) where I take active interest in all that is going on.
I baptise and attend regular prayer meetings, help to organize bazaars, shows, and group Christian parties. 

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