|Chapter 19|

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(Three days after the murder)

Caroline: Hello, Muna?
Vanessa: Who's this?
Caroline: Um, this is Caroline. Munachi's friend.
Vanessa: Oh. So you're calling your friend to confirm if the plan's worked, right?
Caroline: What? I don't understand.
Vanessa: Stop with the pretence! Tell me where she's hiding. Tell me where that murderer is hiding right now!
Caroline: Murderer? Please I don't understand. Who's a murderer?
Vanessa: You're asking me? Are you telling me you don't  know that that witch—that slut killed my son?
Caroline: Oh my God! Please when did this happen?
Vanessa: Will you stop questioning me and tell me where Munachi is.
Caroline: I'm sorry, but I don't know anything about this. I haven't spoken to Munachi in a very long time.
Vanessa: Lair! She's told you not to tell us where to find her, right?
Caroline: No.
Vanessa: If you don't open up and tell me where she is, I'll have the police arrest you for harboring a murderer.
Caroline: Look, Mrs. Adichie, I don't know where Munachi is. I didn't even know something terrible has happened.
Vanessa: Of course. Birds of the same feather flocks together. You're lying to protect her, right? In that case you as well have hand in my son's death.
Caroline: Oh Lord! I don't know anything.
Vanessa: By the time you're arrested, you'll know everything.

Beep. Beep. Beep.

Vanessa: Hello? . . . Hello!

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