|Chapter 12|

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I thought the day I'd finally become pregnant would bring me joy and happiness. But it doesn't. The fact that this child I'm carrying is the result of what happened to me that night, brings forth so much pain and agony. Not a single night do I not dream about it.

How the man made me strip. How he pushed me to the floor, crawling on top of me. The most horrifying part was the disgusting exciting look on his face when he stared at my naked form. The barfing way he licked the corner of his lip while admiring my body. The marks he left on my arms as he hungrily forced his way inside of me. Even the way he kissed my neck, used his tongue to tingle the nape of my neck, and slightly tug at my earlobe.

If I'd known that the weapon he used in threatening me was actually fake, I would've one way or the other, escaped from him. Perhaps he wouldn't have been able to get in-between my legs that night.

Nate isn't helping at all. It feels like he is condemning me with his excitement and happiness learning the fact that he's going to be a father. And him always talking about setting up a room for nursery. I just can't take it any longer. He has to know the truth. He deserves to know the truth.

“Nate, there's something you should know,” I say. We're both sitting in the living room on a Sunday morning.
Though it's very hard for me to say, but I eventually explain the event of that dreadful night.

“Wait, what!” He stands from the sofa, a frown on his face. “You actually expect me to believe that?”

“It's the truth. I was raped that night.”

“Muna, if this is a joke you better stop cause it's not funny.”

“It is not a joke. Look.” I pull up the sleeves of my blouse to expose the dark finger marks I'd been hiding from him for weeks.

“Why didn't you tell me then when it happened? Why wait until now?”

“Well I was . . .”

“Answer me!” He screams, and for the very first time since I've met him I see him this angry.

“Nate I—”

“You what!” he yells again. He then turns to Doris who has been standing by the corner of the room wondering what the commotion is all about. “Why are you standing there? Leave this place now!”
The embarrassed Doris immediately hurries away.

“What excuse do you possibly have to give, Muna?” He faces me now. “What do you possibly have to say? You slept with another man?”

I whip my head up in his direction. “What? Nate that wasn't what happened.”

“Then why did you hid it from me? I pleaded with you Muna. I pleaded with you to tell me what was actually bothering you, but you chose not to mention a single word of it. All these time, I actually thought it was because of my Mom's taunting words that kept you in such sad mood. But I didn't know it was something else entirely.”

“Nate.” I stand from my seat. “You're taking this the wrong way. I was raped, Nate, raped! My car broke down in the middle of the night and this man—”

“Save it.” He raises a hand cutting me off. “Your excuse isn't good enough.”

“What? Excuse? Nathaniel Adichie,” I say, using his full name for the first time in many years, “are you even listening to yourself? When have I ever made excuses? I expect you to understand me. Do you have any idea how hard this is for me? And you're here condemning me even after telling you everything. I can't believe you're doubting me, Nate.”

“Why won't I, tell me, why won't I? First of all, you told me about Dr. Mark's stupid suggestion and all of a sudden you're pregnant?”

I scoff, staring at him in wonder. “Do I need to remind you of how excited you were when you first learnt about this pregnancy?”

“Well that was because I thought the child is actually mine.”

“Why then do I have these marks if you think I'm not telling you the truth?” I ask.

“I don't know. Probably to cover up. Look, just tell me the actual man you had sex with, Muna? Who was it?”

“Oh my God! Nathaniel!”

“What did I just hear you say?” Nate and I whip our heads towards the entrance to see Ma and Pa silently walking into the house. “Who had sex with whom?” Ma asks.

I look at Nate, he's staring directly at me with his face contorting.

“The child she's carrying isn't mine,” is the last thing he says before storming out of the house.

My jaw drops.

“She's a slut! I knew it. A prostitute,” Ma raves.

“Munachi, is that true?” Pa asks, his eyes in disbelief.

“Why are you asking her? Can't you see the word 'slut' is written all over her disgusting face?” Ma says.

“No, Pa. It isn't true.” I shake my head, and tears begins to well into my eyes.

“Oh shut up!” Ma barks. “You just had to open those legs of yours for another man to slide in.” Ma demonstrates with her hands.

“Please. That's not what happened.”

“Then swear it! Swear you didn't lay with another man other than my son, Nathaniel, swear it!”

“Ma please, if you would just hear me out.”

“Ah! See?” She faces Pa who's standing with disappoinment written all over his face. “She couldn't swear. Just look at the girl you appreciate so much, Jerry. Just look!” She's pointing at me, and staring with so much hatred. “I told you she's not someone to be trusted but you wouldn't listen. She's nothing but a deceiver, a liar and a whore!”

“Enough Vanessa!” Pa screams at her before turning on his heels and exiting the room.

Now I'm left with Ma. She slowly walks towards me with a smirk on her face.

“What goes around comes around huh. The other day you were busy lecturing me on what I should and shouldn't say. You know I never liked you from the very beginning. Even if that child you carry was actually my son's, I wouldn't accept it. Not when it's birth by you. Now I'm glad that they've finally come to see what I see in you,” she says, sounding somewhat relief. “If I were you, I'd better pack up my stuffs and return to the man responsible for that thing you carry. You ungrateful slut.”  She gives me one last stare before walking away. As I hear the front door shut, I slump onto the floor. 

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