Chapter: 7 (OT9)

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Ayush and Lilas are in elevator, going on 7th floor to meet twice. Lilas is so happy and excited. she beaming with joy and her eyes shining like a diamond.

Lilas: Yeaahh! I can't believe it, Ayush! Mr.JYP agrred to our proposal. And it's all thanks to you, Mr.Foreigner Mangaka. we had lost all our hope, but you  handled the situation so well. Mr.Tatuski will be so proud of you.

Lilas notice ayush silenced. she turn to him with a curious expression. 

Lilas: Ayush? Ayush, did you hear me?

Ayush stood with hand folded, tears  streaming down his face, his eyes shining with happiness.

Ayush: Lilas-chan...arigato gozaimasu, for taking me with you to meet twice...I owe you for life...TT 

Lilas' expressions changed.

Lilas: He's good for nothing, he never going to be change. 

As they arrived on the floor. Lilas and Ayush made their way to the dance practice. They approached to the door  and lilas peeked through the window. Inside, Twice was in the midst of an intense dance practice session. The nine member were dancing perfect synchrony, their moments sharp and precise. the song they were practicing ti was an upbeat, energetic track with a catchy beat choreography. The room was filled with sound of pounding music and the girl's focused breathing.

 Both Ayush and Lilas could feel the energy. Lilas turned to ayush and instructed.

Lilas: Ayush, I'm going inside. You wait out here . I'll call you then you come, understand.

Ayush: What? Why can't i come with you?

Lilas: I need to talk to twice about details first. It's better if you wait out here for now.

Ayush nodded and looks dissatisfied. 

Ayush: Fine. 

Just then, Lilas suddenly grabbed Ayush's collar and pulled him close. Her eyes blazing with a warning. 

Lilas: And don't even think about  doing any stupid stunt in front of girls. I swear, I'll kill you if you do anything funny. Understood!

Ayush stood hasitly. Lilas released his collar, turned around and headed toward the practice room. As she turened back, Ayush made a teasing face behind her, sticking out his tongue and crossing his eyes.  But when Lila's turned around again, he was whistling innocently.

Scene shit to inside the room practice room.

Jhiyo: Just like that 1..2..3. 1..2..3 repeat again. Wow!

The songs end. The girls all sat down on the floor, exhausted from practice.

Jihyo: Everyone take 2 min of rest then we start again our practicing.

Nayeon: Ok Leader...Huff

Momo: Sana please...Huff. Bring me the water.

Sana got up to fetch it. Just then door opened and Lilas walked into the room. Sana's eye lit up as she recognized her.

Lilas: konnichiwa everyone.

Sana: Lilas-chan!

Sana Happily run towards her. Lilas warmly hugging Sana. Momo and mina also got up, excited to see her.

Mina: Lilas-chan, what a pleasant surprise!

Momo: Hey Lilas! How are you? Are you here to join the twice?

A K-Pop Song in Manga (DahyunxMangaka) Part 1Where stories live. Discover now