Chapter: 11 (Brewing Friendships)

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The twice members were seated in the van. Heading back to their dorm. On the way all are discussing Ayush's recent panic attack.

Sana: Can you believe how terrified he got over just a small drop of blood?

Mina: It's strange isn't it?

Chaeyoung: What do you mean?

Mina: I mean, he has a blood phobia, but he creates manga that's so dark and gruesome.

Tzuyu: Really?

Mina pulled out her phone and brutal scenes on manga reading app. The members gasped in unison, their eyes wide with surprise.

Nayeon: How can someone with blood phobia create something so... voilent?

Mina: That's what I'm wondering.

The van fell silent, each member lost in their own thoughts. Dahyun in corner look outside the window with the worry.

(Next Morning)

The next morning, Lilas and Aiko entered the boy's room. Lilas sitting on sofa playing game on his phone. Lilas asked about Ayush from Ayase.

Lilas: Hey, how's ayush doing?

Ayase: He is still sleeping in his room.

Aiko: Should we wake him up, we have to go JYP entertainment for contract signing with MISAMO and Mr.JYP.

Lilas: No, Let him do rest. We will go without him.

Ayase and Miss.Aiko nodded in agreement. Ayase changed his clothes, three of them quietly exited the room. After breakfast, the three of them arrived at the JYP Entertainment building. They made their way to the reception area, where they were greeted by a friendly member who escorted them to the Mr.JYP office. Mr. JYP welcome them, three of them took their seat.

JYP: Welcome everyone!

Lilas: Hello Mr. JYP

Miss Aiko Pulling out the contract from the her bag. Handed to Mr.JYP, his eyes scanning the pages with a practiced intensity. After a few moments, he nodded, looking satisfied with the contract.

JYP: Everything looks good.

He handed over the papers to Miss Aiko. She smiled and took them.

Aiko: Thank you, Mr.JYP. Can you please call MISAMO for contract signing, please.

JYP: Yeah, I'll call her.

Mr.JYP pulling out his phone. And call Jhiyo.

JYP: Hey Jihyo, please send MISAMO and Ayush to my office for contract signing. Ok, thanks.

Aiko, Lilas and Ayase exchanged shock glanced.

Lilas: Excuse me MR.JYP, Ayush is here?Can

JYP: Yes, He's here.

The three of them is shocked and confused at the moment. A few minute later, the door to the office opened and MISAMO walked in, followed by Ayush. The three of them couldn't help but stare - Ayush was really here. MISAMO smiled and greeted Mr.JYP and others. Lilas eyes wide opened in surprise.

Lilas: What are you doing here? We thought you were still resting in your room.

Ayush: Uh...Actually guys....

(Flashback time)

Ayush woke up early in the morning his head pounding with a fierce headace. He reached for his desk phone and dialed the reception desk.

Ayush: Hello, Can you please sent a coffee in room.

Staff member: I'm sorry, sir. Kitchen is not open yet. It will opened in next half n hour.

A K-Pop Song in Manga (DahyunxMangaka) Part 1Waar verhalen tot leven komen. Ontdek het nu