Chapter: 9 (Let's Celebrate)

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The afternoon sun cast a warm glow as Ayase, Lilas and Ayush settle into the back seat of the car. Miss aiko on the phone  with Director Tatuski. As she hung up, she turned up the trio.

Aiko: Guys, Mr.Tatuski told was so happy by our work. And he praised you Ayush-san, He was proud of you. You have done great Job today. Our today sucess credit goes to you.

Ayase: I must say, today you saved the day. 

Lilas: Ayase is right, You're hero of the day. You

Ayush was blushing.

Ayush: Oh come on guy's stop praising me. I haven't done anything special

Lilas: What are you saying, Ayuh-San? Just like Immortus king you saved us all.

Ayush: hehehe, Now stop buttering me.

Ayase: For today's success, let's celebrate tonight.

Aiko: It's a great idea, let's celebrate tonight.

LIlas: Let's do the party tonight and bill will be paid by our hero Ayush.

Ayush: Yessss!!!! I'll will Pay the bil.... Huh what?

Lilas: Yes, you're  going to pay the bill for tonight party.

Me: But why me?

Lilas: Because, it's your day and we're celebrate you! You can't escape this one.

Ayase: Yeah, she's right. It's decided now today's ayush side.

Me: Naniiiiiiii...???

After arriving hotel, the group went their rooms. Ayush took shower after that he changed into comfortable clothes. He was resting in his room and watching his signing. Later, Miss Aiko and Lilas entered their room, carring cups of coffee and Muffins. The group gathered in living room, enjoying their coffee and muffins with engaging chatter. As the evening wore on, everyone get ready for dinner. Ayush again change his clothes. He pulled on a hoodie and paired it with comfortable lowers. Everyone gathered in the lobby, everyone looking refreshed and ready for dinner. They walked to the restaurant ad per Ayase suggested. As they arrived the restaurant. Ayase ask for private room for parting. Ayase come back to group.

Ayase: Guys there is a problem. Actually all Parting room is full.

Lilas: Oh shot!!!(Make Pout)

Aiko: oh! that's not good.

Ayush: I told you in hotle to reserve the table.

Ayase: We can't do anything now. Let's find another place.

As they were going to be leave. Restaurant staff member stop 

Staff Member: Excuse me, sir. Actually we have 4 seats but you have to share it with other customer.

Ayase look back to others

Ayase: What you guys say?

Ayush: That fine. I'm starving and it'll be time consuming to find other place.

Aiko: I agree with Ayush-san. 

Ayase: Ok, We're fine.

Hotel Staff: Please come with me.

Group members follow them 

Hotel Staff: You can go inside. I already talk to the customer, they're fine to share the table

Ayase: Thank you.

They heard some laughing voice inside the room. The voice were so recognizable to Ayush. Ayase Slide the door. He poke from his back. His eyes glowed up and put a big smile of joy.

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