1: The Entrance Ceremony

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The grand auditorium of UA High School buzzed with anticipation as students, both new and returning, filled the seats. Principal Nezu, the stout chimera creature who served as the esteemed leader of the school, stood at the podium, ready to kick off the annual entrance ceremony.

"Welcome, everyone, to UA High School!" Nezu's voice, though small in stature, carried a sense of warmth and authority that commanded the attention of the crowd. His circular black eyes sparkled with enthusiasm as he addressed the students. "I am delighted to see so many bright faces among both our new and returning students. Each of you brings a unique perspective and potential to our school community."

The students erupted into applause, their excitement palpable in the air. Nezu continued, his elongated muzzle forming a gentle smile, "UA High School has a long-standing tradition of excellence in hero education, but we are not just a school for heroes. We are a community dedicated to fostering growth, nurturing talent, and shaping the future leaders of society."

As Principal Nezu spoke, his relatively rectangular-shaped ears twitched with excitement, adding to his charismatic presence. Images of UA High's prestigious alumni flashed on the screen behind him, showcasing the school's rich history and contributions to society. "From heroes who have saved countless lives to scholars who have made groundbreaking discoveries, UA High School has been at the forefront of innovation and progress."

The students listened attentively, their eyes alight with curiosity and anticipation. Nezu's words resonated with a sense of pride and purpose, reminding them of the great legacy they were now a part of.

"And now, it is my pleasure to introduce the newest members of our esteemed faculty," Nezu announced, gesturing towards the stage with his large, dog-like paws. "Please join me in welcoming All Might, the Symbol of Peace, who will be our first year heroics teacher, and Yaze Rushito, or as you may know him Sentinel, our new science teacher."

The spotlight shifted to the stage, where All Might stood with his trademark grin, towering over Nezu's diminutive form. Beside him, Yaze Rushito exuded a sense of quiet confidence, his presence complementing Nezu's in a unique way. The students erupted into cheers and applause, their excitement reaching a fever pitch as they welcomed the newest additions to the UA High School family.

"And now, it is my pleasure to invite our esteemed faculty member, All Might, the Symbol of Peace, to come forward and share a few words," Nezu announced, gesturing towards the stage with his large, dog-like paws.

"Thank you, Principal Nezu," All Might boomed, his voice filled with warmth and sincerity. "Students, it is an honor to stand before you today as a member of the UA High School faculty. Remember, no matter the challenges you face, always strive to be the symbol of hope and inspiration for those around you."

The students erupted into cheers and applause, their admiration for the legendary hero evident in their enthusiastic response. All Might's smile widened as he stepped aside, making way for the next speaker.

Nezu turned his attention to Yaze Rushito, gesturing for him to come forward. "And now, I would like to invite our new science teacher, Mr. Yaze Rushito, to share a few words with us."

Yaze stepped forward with a nod of gratitude, his demeanor calm and composed. "Thank you, Principal Nezu," he began, his voice steady. "As the newest member of the UA High School faculty, I am excited to embark on this journey with all of you. Together, let us explore the wonders of science and unlock the potential that lies within each and every one of us."

With a final nod of appreciation, Yaze stepped back, allowing the ceremony to continue. As the applause died down, Principal Nezu smiled proudly at the students before him, knowing that they were in capable hands with the dedicated faculty of UA.

As the ceremony came to a close, Principal Nezu led the crowd in a round of applause, his heart swelling with pride for the bright future that lay ahead for UA High School and its students.

* * *

After the conclusion of the entrance ceremony, the auditorium buzzed with activity as students began to disperse, some heading back to their classes while others lingered to chat with their peers. Among the crowd, whispers and murmurs floated through the air as students exchanged comments about the new faculty members.

"Did you see All Might up there?" one student exclaimed in awe, her eyes wide with admiration. "He's even more impressive in person! I can't believe we have the number one hero teaching at our school!"

"Yeah, he's like a living legend," another student said, nodding in agreement. "I can't wait to learn from him in hero class."

As the conversation about All Might continued, the students' attention shifted to the other new faculty member, Yaze Rushito, known as Sentinel, the number 16 hero in the country. A group of students nearby cast curious glances in Yaze's direction, their voices lowered as they exchanged whispered comments.

"I heard Sentinel's saved, like, thousands of people," one student whispered to their friend, their tone filled with awe. "And defeated so many villains, too. He's a real hero, even if he looks kinda scary."

Their friend nodded in agreement, their gaze flickering to Yaze's bone-like armor plates and glowing red eyes. "Yeah, he's definitely not your typical hero," they replied quietly. "But they say he's got a heart of gold underneath all that armor. I wouldn't want to mess with him, though."

Another student chimed in, their voice tinged with curiosity. "I wonder why he chooses to look like that," they mused, their gaze lingering on Yaze's unique appearance. "I mean, he could probably make himself look more human with his quirk, right?"

Their friend shrugged, glancing back at Yaze with a mixture of respect and intrigue. "Who knows? Maybe he wants to challenge people's perceptions of what a hero should look like," they suggested. "Either way, I'm excited to see what he brings to the classroom. I just hope he isn't too strict..."

As the students continued to gossip and speculate about the new faculty members, their voices blended into the background noise of the bustling auditorium, adding to the excitement and anticipation of the new school year ahead.

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