3: Midoriya Visits

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As Midoriya timidly entered Yaze's office, he couldn't help but feel a mix of excitement and nervousness. Yaze, with a relaxed demeanor, glanced up from his papers.

"Hey there," he greeted casually, gesturing for Midoriya to take a seat. "What brings you by?"

"Um, hello, Sentinel-sensei," Midoriya began, his voice soft. "I'm Izuku Midoriya, from class 1-A. I-I was wondering if I could ask you some questions about our class discussion. Specifically, about analyzing quirks."

Yaze nodded, leaning back in his chair. "Sure thing, shoot."

Taking a deep breath, Midoriya ventured, "Well, in class, we've been learning about genetics and how genetic mutations end up being in quirks. But, um, you mentioned analyzing quirks. So I was wondering... how does your quirk work?"

Yaze began to explain his quirk. "My quirk is called Biomorph. It was initially known as Bonemorph, and it was believed I could only manipulate my bones," he elaborated. "And that's partially true. I can morph my bones into various shapes and forms."

He paused, a thoughtful expression crossing his face. "For instance, I can shoot out my bones like a spear or morph my arms into blades made of bone. There are plenty of possibilities when it comes to bone manipulation."

Leaning forward, he explained in his laid-back tone, "Biomorph allows me to shapeshift the biological aspects of my body. That includes bone, muscle, and flesh."

As Midoriya sat attentively, Yaze delved deeper into the intricacies of his quirk.

"You see, when my quirk first manifested, it was excruciatingly painful to even attempt shapeshifting," Yaze began, his voice calm and measured. "I could hardly morph my bones without feeling like I was being torn apart. But over time, I built up a resistance to the pain."

Midoriya furrowed his brow in curiosity, hanging onto every word.

"It's all about practice and perseverance," Yaze continued. "With each transformation, the pain lessened, and I gained more control over my abilities. Eventually, I could morph my bones, muscles, and flesh with relative ease."

Midoriya's pen flew across the pages of his notebook, capturing every detail of Yaze's explanation.

"Of course, there are still limitations," Yaze admitted, his expression thoughtful. "I can't alter my genetic makeup or transform into non-biological materials. No turning my flesh into metal, for example."

He paused, as if contemplating whether to divulge more, then shook his head slightly. "But that's a discussion for another time."

Modoriya nodded understandingly, his mind already racing with possibilities.

As Yaze elaborated on his quirk, Midoriya furiously scribbled notes in his notebook, his eyes alight with curiosity. He jotted down every detail, from the initial name of the quirk to its capabilities and limitations.

Midoriya nodded, absorbing the information. "Wow, that's fascinating, Sentinel-sensei! Thanks for explaining."

Yaze offered a casual grin through his bony helmet-like face, his smile mostly expressed through his glowing red eyes. "No problem, kid. If you've got more questions, feel free to swing by anytime."

As Midoriya left Yaze's office, his mind buzzed with newfound knowledge about quirks, eager to continue his journey of discovery, and his notebook filled with detailed analyses, ready to be revisited and expanded upon in his relentless pursuit of understanding quirks and heroes.

* * *

As Midoriya departed his office, Yaze couldn't shake the feeling of familiarity that lingered in his mind. Watching the young hero-in-training, he couldn't help but see a reflection of his own past self in Midoriya's eager curiosity and relentless determination.

Lost in his thoughts, Yaze leaned back in his chair, a wistful expression in his eyes. Perhaps, in Midoriya, he saw a chance to guide and inspire, just as others had done for him in his youth.

With a newfound sense of purpose, Yaze looked forward to the journey ahead, eager to see how Midoriya and his classmates would grow and evolve into the heroes of tomorrow.

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