13: Hero of Shinjuku

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Picture: Uchikudaku Huraku

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Picture: Uchikudaku Huraku

As summer began and the members of Class 1-A, along with All Might and some other teachers and pro heroes, embarked on their journey to Island-I for a festival, Yaze found himself with a rare reprieve from his teaching duties. With the students away, he returned to his full-time hero work in Shinjuku, patrolling the streets with a renewed sense of purpose. As the summer training camp loomed on the horizon, Yaze seized the opportunity to hone his skills and keep the city safe in the absence of his students.

Under the bright sun of midday, the lively streets of Shinjuku hummed with activity as citizens went about their daily routines. Yaze, ever watchful, strode through the crowd with purpose, his presence a reassuring beacon amidst the throng of bustling humanity.

As he navigated the crowded sidewalks, Yaze's sharp gaze caught sight of a commotion up ahead. A petty thief, emboldened by the anonymity of the bustling streets, snatched a handbag from the grasp of an unsuspecting pedestrian before darting into the crowd.

Without hesitation, Yaze sprang into action, his movements swift and decisive as he pursued the fleeing criminal through the maze of bustling bodies. With expert precision, he closed the distance in mere moments, his hand closing around the thief's wrist with an iron grip.

"Let go of me, you freak!" the thief spat, struggling against Yaze's vice-like hold to no avail.

"Well, I hope you don't mind your next getaway being to the nearest police station," Yaze remarked, his voice dripping with sarcasm as he handed back the recovered handbag to its owner.

As the crowd dispersed, murmurs of admiration and gratitude followed in Yaze's wake, a testament to his unwavering dedication to justice in the face of adversity. With a nod of satisfaction, he brought the crook to the Shinjuku police station and continued his patrol.

* * *

As Yaze continued his patrol through the bustling streets of Shinjuku, he couldn't help but notice the occasional glance or pointed finger from passersby. It wasn't long before a pair of enthusiastic teenagers approached him, their eyes wide with admiration.

"Hey, aren't you Sentinel?" one of them exclaimed, excitement evident in his voice.

Yaze nodded, offering a small smile. "That's right. What can I do for you two?"

The other fan chimed in eagerly. "We're huge fans! Can we get a picture with you?"

Yaze chuckled, nodding in agreement. "Of course. Just one quick picture, though. I've got to keep patrolling."

As they snapped a selfie together, Yaze couldn't help but feel a sense of pride knowing that he had made a positive impact on these young fans. After bidding them farewell, he resumed his patrol, a renewed sense of determination driving him forward.

As Yaze continued patrol, his sharp eyes caught sight of a commotion up ahead. Dodging through the crowd, he soon found himself approaching a busy intersection where a stray cat had somehow found its way onto a precarious perch atop a traffic light pole.

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