18: Clash of the Titans

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A/N: Thank you all so much for 500 reads! I really appreciate you all for checking out my story. I hope you've all enjoyed it so far. There is still so much more that I plan on doing with Yaze's character. Now enjoy All Might's fight with AFO!

As Yaze's gaze swept over the chaotic aftermath, he took in the sight of Gang Orca, Tiger, and Mt. Lady, barely conscious but seemingly unharmed amidst the wreckage. The air was heavy with tension as All For One loomed over them, his presence commanding the space with an eerie calmness. Amidst the debris, Yaze couldn't help but marvel at the sheer power on display, tinged with a chilling realization of the danger they were all in. Then, with a slow and deliberate clap, All For One directed his attention to Best Jeanist, his voice echoing through the shattered hangar.

"That's the #4 hero for you!! Best Jeanist!!" he praised, his tone laced with mock admiration. "I was planning on blasting them all straight to hell!! But you grabbed them by their clothes and threw them aside in the nick of time! Such quick decision making, such technique... such incredible reflexes!"

As Best Jeanist lay sprawled on the ground, his once-imposing stature now diminished by the sudden attack, All For One's menacing presence loomed over him. With a calculated strike, a smaller blast erupted from the villain's hand, finding its mark as it struck Best Jeanist square in the gut.

The hero's body jerked in response to the impact, a sharp intake of breath escaping his lips as pain lanced through him. Yaze's voice, filled with concern and urgency, sliced through the tension-laden air as he called out to his fallen ally. Yaze's eyes widened with worry as he remained rooted to the spot, his muscles tensed with a mixture of fear and helplessness.

"You're strength is the product of endless training and a wealth of experience," All For One said. "But I don't need it. Because your quirk isn't one that would suit Tomura."

Bakugo suddenly emerged from a swirling vortex of ooze, his sudden appearance catching Yaze off guard. 'What's Bakugo doing here?' Yaze thought. 'Was he kidnapped too?'

Coughing and wrinkling his nose at the unpleasant smell, he shot a glare around the area, his expression a mix of confusion and irritation. "This stuff stinks..." he grumbled, his voice dripping with disdain as he tried to shake off the remnants of the teleportation. "What was that stuff?!"

"Apologies, Bakugo," All For One says, his tone smooth and unapologetic, betraying no hint of sincerity.

"Huh?!" Bakugo exclaimed, confused and disoriented.

Suddenly, the League of Villains, including Himiko Toga, Mr. Compress, Tomura Shigaraki, Spinner, Magne, Kurogiri, Dabi, Twice, and Vitaevor, materialize in the same manner as Bakugo, their arrival accompanied by wisps of dark goop swirling around them.

"You've failed again, Tomura," All For One said to his pupil. "But you mustn't lose heart. There will be more chances to set things right. That's why I've brought along your little band. And the boy, because you've determined that he is an important pawn."

All For One reached out a comforting hand to Shigaraki. "So try again," he encouraged him. "That's what I'm here to help you do. It's all for you."

As All For One spoke to Shigaraki, offering words of encouragement, a sudden disturbance shattered the tense atmosphere. All For One paused and said, "I knew you'd come."

Suddenly, All Might descended from the heavens with unparalleled force, his arrival heralded by a thunderous roar. As All Might descended with formidable force, aiming directly at All For One, the villain didn't flinch. Instead, with a deft movement, he intercepted the hero's fists with his own, catching the incoming onslaught with chilling ease. Yaze watched in awe and trepidation as the two titans clashed in a spectacular display of power and will.

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