15: Quirk Training and the Test of Courage

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As the early morning light seeped through the windows of the lodge, casting a soft glow across the room, the students of Class 1-A stirred from their slumber. Rubbing their eyes, they groggily gathered outside, the weariness of the previous day's journey still evident in their movements.

"Morning, kids," Aizawa greeted them, with Yaze by his side. "Today, the real training camp begins. Ideally, you will all emerge strong enough to acquire your provisional licenses."

"More specifically," he continued. "There's a growing hostile force out there. Through this, you'll be prepared to face it, so stay sharp and work hard."

"To start... here, Bakugo," Aizawa tossed Bakugo a ball. "Try throwing this."

"This is from the strength trials..." Bakugo noticed.

"Last time, right after school started, your record was 705.2 meters," Aizawa explained. "How much have you grown since then?"

Bakugo began warming up and swinging his arm as his classmates cheered him on. "Here we freaking go..." he said with a enthusiastic grin.

"GO TO HELL!!!" He shouted as he launched the ball into the air. Yaze whistled, impressed at his student's feat.

Aizawa held out a device that read 709.6 m. "709.6 meters," he announced.

The students noted that the improvement was barely noteworthy as Aizawa continued explaining. "Yes, you have been through a lot these past three months. Undoubtedly, you've all grown. But it's only your techniques and minds that have matured. Well, and your bodies, a bit."

"But as you've all just seen, your quirks haven't kept up with the pace," Aizawa finished explaining. "Starting today, you'll improve your quirks."

"This'll be so harsh, you'll wish you were dead," Aizawa said with a twisted grin. "So do your best to stay alive..."

* * *

As the students got ready to begin their torturous training regimen, Aizawa addressed Class 1-A, his voice carrying authority and purpose. "Listen up, everyone," he began, commanding their attention. "As you know, some of you have physical limitations that can hinder your Quirk development. That's where Rushito comes in."

As the students exchanged curious glances, intrigued by the mention of Rushito's role, Aizawa continued, "Rushito will be assisting those of you who face such challenges. He has unique experience and expertise in helping individuals overcome their limitations and harness the full potential of their Quirks."

Yaze nodded in acknowledgment, ready to take on the task. The students murmured among themselves, impressed by the prospect of receiving specialized guidance from someone with Yaze's background.

With Aizawa's announcement, the students of Class 1-A understood that they were in capable hands, with Yaze poised to help them break through their barriers and ascend to new heights of power.

"Alright then. Class B is arriving right now, so I'll be having some of them join me as well. Uraraka, Kaminari, Ashido, Aoyama, Todoroki, and Mineta. You're with me."

As Class 1-B arrived, along with their homeroom teacher Vlad King, Yaze called over a couple of the students, "Tsuburaba and Fukidashi, you're coming with me."

Yaze approached Tsuburaba and Fukidashi with a confident grin. "Alright, you two. Let's get started. We've got a lot of ground to cover today."

Tsuburaba nodded eagerly, while Fukidashi flashed a thumbs-up sign on his speech-bubble head in response.

As they prepared to begin, Yaze glanced over at Aizawa, who gave him a subtle nod of approval. With that, Yaze led the eight students towards the training area, ready to embark on their journey of growth and mastery over their Quirks.

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