8: Internships Begin

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As the exhilarating events of the Sports Festival unfolded with lightning speed, Yaze found himself swept up in the excitement, cheering on his students with unwavering enthusiasm. From the sidelines, he watched as they pushed themselves to their limits, showcasing their skills and determination for all to see.

But as quickly as it had begun, the festival came to an end, leaving behind a sense of anticipation for the next stage of their journey. With the dust settled and the cheers fading into memory, Yaze turned his attention to the upcoming internships, a pivotal moment for the students of the hero course.

As he pondered over the offers he had extended to each member of the hero course, Yaze couldn't help but wonder who would accept his invitation, if anybody. The prospect of mentoring the next generation of heroes one-on-one filled him with a sense of purpose and excitement, and he eagerly awaited their response.

With the internships looming on the horizon, Yaze knew that the real challenges lay ahead. But he was confident that, together, they would navigate the trials and tribulations of heroism, forging bonds that would last a lifetime.

* * *

As the internship period approached, Yaze eagerly awaited news from either Aizawa or Vlad King about which students, if any, would be accompanying him for internships. He knew that the final decision ultimately rested with the students, but he hoped that some would choose to intern with him.

One day, while Yaze was reviewing his lesson plans in his office, Aizawa entered the room, holding a couple of letters.

"Rushito," Aizawa said, his expression as stoic as ever. "I have the list of students who have chosen to intern with you."

Yaze's heart skipped a beat as Aizawa handed him the letters. With a nod of thanks, Yaze began to open them one by one, carefully reading each student's decision.

After reading the last letter, Yaze's eyes gleamed with satisfaction. "Sero and Kamakiri," he said, a sense of pride evident in his voice. "They've both chosen to intern with me."

Aizawa nodded in acknowledgment. "I'll inform them of your acceptance and provide them with the necessary details for their internships."

With the news confirmed, Yaze felt a surge of excitement for the journey ahead. He knew that this was just the beginning of a new chapter in their hero training.

* * *

With the internships set to begin, Yaze wasted no time in reaching out to Sero and Kamakiri to discuss their upcoming experience. He scheduled a meeting with them in his office, eager to outline his plans and preparations for the internship period.

As they gathered in his office, Yaze greeted them warmly, his eyes sparkling with anticipation. "Welcome, Sero, Kamakiri," he said, gesturing for them to take a seat.

As Sero and Kamakiri settled into their seats, Yaze leaned forward, his expression serious yet welcoming.

"Thank you both for choosing to intern with me," he began. "During our time together, we'll focus on several key aspects of heroism."

He glanced at each of them in turn, his eyes conveying a sense of determination.

"First and foremost, we'll explore new ways to utilize your quirks effectively," Yaze continued. "Sero, your Tape Quirk offers incredible versatility. We'll work on enhancing your mobility and combat capabilities, discovering innovative techniques that will give you an edge in any situation. Kamakiri, your Blade Quirk is formidable, but we'll delve into ways to integrate it into a more versatile fighting style. We'll focus on strategy and technique, making you a more formidable opponent than ever before."

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