25: Briefing

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As Yaze and Ryukyu approached the alley behind the old Italian watch store, they moved cautiously, their senses on high alert. The narrow, dimly lit passageway seemed unremarkable at first glance, but they knew better than to let their guard down.

"This place looks abandoned," Ryukyu commented, her eyes scanning the surroundings for any signs of recent activity.

Yaze nodded, his own senses heightened as he surveyed the area. "Let's be thorough. The Shie Hassaikai is known for covering their tracks well."

They split up to search the alley, examining every nook and cranny for clues. Despite their best efforts, they found nothing-no hidden doors, no discarded vials, no signs of a struggle. It was as if the alley was just another forgotten corner of the city.

After several minutes of fruitless searching, Yaze sighed and regrouped with Ryukyu. "There's nothing here. This must be just one of their many rendezvous points for Trigger deals."

Ryukyu frowned, her frustration evident. "They're good at this. We need to be even better."

At that moment, Sir Nighteye arrived at the alley, his expression as composed as ever despite the apparent dead end. "Sentinel, Ryukyu," he greeted them with a nod. "What have you found?"

Yaze shook his head, a hint of frustration in his voice. "Nothing. It looks like this alley was just a meeting point, and they've already cleared out."

Sir Nighteye considered this, his gaze sweeping over the alley. "The Shie Hassaikai is meticulous in their operations. It's no surprise they wouldn't leave anything behind. But even a lack of evidence can tell us something."

Ryukyu nodded. "We need to keep pressing. If this was a rendezvous point, there might be other locations we can check. We can't let them stay a step ahead."

Sir Nighteye's eyes glinted with determination. "Agreed. We'll need to widen our search and look for any patterns in their movements. We have the advantage of knowing they're active and desperate. Let's use that."

Yaze straightened, his resolve renewed by Sir Nighteye's confidence. "What's our next move?"

"We'll continue our surveillance and gather more intelligence," Sir Nighteye replied. "I'll have my agency cross-reference known Shie Hassaikai locations with recent activity. In the meantime, stay vigilant. They might slip up."

As they discussed their strategy, Yaze couldn't help but feel a sense of camaraderie with his fellow heroes. Despite the challenges, he knew they were making progress, and together, they would uncover the Shie Hassaikai's plans.

"Let's regroup at the agency and go over what we know," Sir Nighteye suggested. "Every detail, no matter how small, could be crucial."

With a nod of agreement, Yaze and Ryukyu followed Sir Nighteye out of the alley, ready to continue their investigation and bring the Shie Hassaikai to justice.

* * *

As they made their way back to the agency, Yaze and Ryukyu followed Sir Nighteye, their minds already focused on the next steps in their investigation. Once inside, they gathered in Sir Nighteye's office, the weight of their mission hanging heavy in the air.

"So," Sir Nighteye began. "We know that the Shie Hassaikai is peddling Trigger. We have eye-witness testimonies and evidence, but not enough to convict. Am I correct so far?"

"Yes Sir, that's correct," Yaze confirmed.

"There's more you need to know," Sir Nighteye continued, his tone grave. "My interns, Midoriya and Togata, recently encountered the leader of the Shie Hassaikai, Kai Chisaki."

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