14: Training Camp Begins

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The day to leave for the Forest Lodge Training Camp arrived, bringing with it a sense of anticipation among Class 1-A as they gathered to board the bus. Yaze, their unexpected addition, quietly joined them, greeted by curious glances and polite nods.

As they settled into their seats, Midoriya turned to Yaze with a smile. "Sentinel-sensei, we didn't expect to see you here."

Yaze returned the smile warmly. "Indeed, I'm here to assist in any way I can."

Aizawa glanced over from across the aisle. "Just remember your role, Rushito. We're here for training."

Yaze nodded. "Of course, Aizawa-sensei. My focus is solely on supporting the students."

With that, the bus departed from the school grounds, marking the beginning of a journey filled with opportunities for growth and learning, both for the students and their accompanying teacher.

* * *

As the bus rumbled along the winding road toward their destination, the chatter among the students gradually subsided, replaced by the rhythmic hum of the engine. Yaze, seated near the front, watched the passing scenery with quiet interest, occasionally glancing back at the students to ensure they were comfortable.

After about an hour of travel, the bus finally slowed to a stop at a roadside rest area. The sudden halt jolted the students from their reverie, prompting a chorus of murmurs and shuffling as they all filed off of the bus.

Yaze stood up, stretching his limbs before joining the stream of students making their way off the bus. Outside, the crisp air carried the scent of pine trees and fresh earth, invigorating after the confines of the vehicle.

The students made a clamor of confusion, questioning what kind of rest stop the empty patch of dirt was, and where the bus with class B was.

"Of course," Aizawa responded to their confusion. "We stopped here for a reason."

Suddenly two women dressed in cat-themed costumes and a small boy popped up from seemingly out of nowhere.

"Hiya, Eraser!" One of the women said. They began striking poses.

"Rock on with these sparkling gazes!" The brunette woman cheered.

"Stingingly cute and cat-like!" The blonde woman joined in.

"We're..." they said in unison. "The Wild Wild Pussycats!!"

The boy stood there with his hands in his pockets and a look of unamusement. Midoriya began babbling about the Wild Wild Pussycats and their feats of heroism.

"They've been in business for 12 years now." Midoriya finished.

The blonde one grabbed Midoriya's face and shouted, "We're 18 at heart!"

The brunette heroine addressed Class 1-A, revealing their lodging spot nestled at the mountain's base within her team's jurisdiction. With a time limit of three hours to reach their destination using their Quirks as they saw fit, failure to arrive by 12:30 pm meant forgoing lunch.

It dawned on the students that they had already reached their destination, marking the commencement of their training camp under the supervision of the Pussycats. Some students attempted to get back onto the bus, only to be thwarted by the blonde's Quirk, triggering a landslide that sent them tumbling into the daunting expanse of The Beast's Forest, their next challenge looming ahead.

As Class 1-A found themselves unceremoniously dumped into the forest, Yaze couldn't help but chuckle at their predicament. "Well, that's one way to start a training camp," he remarked, finding the situation amusing.

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