10: Hosu Aftermath

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As the dust settled in the aftermath of the fierce battle, Yaze dropped to his knees, exhausted from the exertion. He breathed heavily, his muscles trembling with fatigue as he struggled to regain his composure.

It was then that he heard the unmistakable sound of wings beating against the air, followed by the graceful descent of a figure clad in vibrant red feathers. Yaze looked up to see the No. 3 hero Hawks, renowned for his quick wit and formidable wingspan, landing beside him with a soft thud.

"Sentinel," Hawks said, his voice tinged with concern as he surveyed the scene before him. "Looks like you've had quite the day."

Yaze nodded wearily, acknowledging the arrival of his fellow hero. "Hawks," he replied, his words barely above a whisper. "I could use a hand here."

Hawks knelt beside Yaze, his expression grave as he took in the sight of the exhausted hero. "You did good out there," he said, his voice reassuring. "But let's leave the rest to me, okay?"

Yaze nodded, grateful for the support as he struggled to push himself back to his feet. Hawks began to assess the situation, ensuring that any civilians in need of assistance were attended to and that the area was secure.

As he worked, Yaze couldn't help but feel a sense of relief knowing that Hawks was there to lend a hand. Despite his own exhaustion, he knew that with Hawks by his side, they could weather any storm that came their way.

As the chaos in Hosu City began to subside, the sound of approaching sirens pierced through the air, signaling the arrival of reinforcements. Leading the charge was a fleet of ambulances and emergency vehicles, their flashing lights casting an eerie glow over the rubble-strewn streets.

Yaze watched as paramedics rushed to attend to the injured, their skilled hands working swiftly to provide aid and comfort to those in need. He couldn't help but feel a pang of guilt at his own exhaustion, knowing that there was still work to be done.

Approaching him, a paramedic offered a reassuring smile. "Sentinel, are you alright?" she asked, concern evident in her voice.

Yaze nodded his head weakly, his breath still coming in ragged gasps. "Just... exhausted," he managed to croak out.

The paramedic nodded understandingly, her gaze softening with empathy. "Take it easy," she advised. "You did a great job out there."

As she moved on to assist others, Yaze took a moment to collect himself, his thoughts drifting back to the events of the past week. Despite the exhaustion weighing heavily on his shoulders, he knew that he had made a difference. And as he prepared to face the challenges of the day ahead, he did so with renewed determination, knowing that his actions had helped to ensure the safety and well-being of those around him.

* * *

As the students settled into their seats, Kaminari leaned in, excitement lighting up his face. "Did you guys see the news on Friday? It was insane!"

"Yeah, I couldn't believe it!" Uraraka replied, her eyes wide with enthusiasm. "Sentinel took down those Nomus like it was nothing!"

Todoroki nodded in agreement. "It was impressive. His control over his quirk is remarkable."

Bakugo snorted. "Yeah, he's not bad, I guess."

At the mention of Sentinel, the hero alias of their science teacher, all eyes turned towards the front of the classroom. Yaze entered the room with his usual calm demeanor, though there was a hint of weariness in his eyes, evidence of the battles he had fought just days before.

"Hey, Sentinel-sensei," Kirishima called out, waving enthusiastically. "You were awesome in Hosu!"

Yaze looked gratefully at his students. "Thank you, Kirishima. It was a challenging situation, but I'm glad I could help."

As Yaze made his way to the front of the classroom, the students continued to chatter excitedly among themselves. He raised a hand for silence, signaling the start of the lesson.

"Good morning, everyone," Yaze began, his voice steady and calm. "I'm sure you all have questions about what happened in Hosu. I'll do my best to answer them, but first, let's get started on today's lesson."

The students nodded eagerly, their curiosity piqued. As Yaze launched into the day's topic, the classroom buzzed with a renewed sense of energy and excitement, eager to learn from their real-life hero.

* * *

As the discussion in class wound down, Yaze cleared his throat, drawing the students' attention back to him.

"Before we conclude for today, I'd like to remind everyone that final exams are fast approaching," Yaze announced, his voice carrying across the classroom. "This will be a crucial opportunity to demonstrate the skills you've honed throughout the semester. I expect each of you to approach these exams with the same dedication and determination you've shown in your training, as well as the knowledge you've acquired in science."

He paused, allowing his words to sink in before continuing.

"I'll be providing additional guidance and support in the coming days to help you prepare. Remember, success in these exams not only reflects your individual progress but also contributes to the reputation of Class 1-A as a whole. Let's make U.A. proud."

With a nod of finality, Yaze concluded his remarks, leaving the students to contemplate the challenges that lay ahead in the days to come.

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