Part 12

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Nya point of view

*yawn* "I guess today is the day" I murmured as I got out of bed, I then grabbed my hair brush as I started to brush my hair softly, after 5 minutes or maybe more, I then placed my hair in a ponytail, as I left some hair in the front.

I left the room to the bathroom as I brushed my teeth for a good while. I soon left the bathroom and entered the kitchen as I found Cole and Zane, "whatcha doing guys?" I questioned as Zane answered, "Cole's packing food, while I'm cooking breakfast" I got closer to Zane as I looked at the bubbling pan.

"Ooh, you're making crepes!" I said as I left Zane side and began to lurk behind Cole as he shuffled bottles of water and snacks inside 5 backpacks. "Mmm...Cole, save some space for medical supplies, or for tools, and especially weapons" I said as Cole groaned, "....alright" Cole said as I smiled.

I heard the stairs creak as Kai and Jay came down, "Morning" I said as they both responded back, "Morning" Kai said with a groan as Jay said it sweeter "Morning!" I ran towards Jay as I gave him a big hug and a kiss on the lips, "thanks" I murmured as he hugged and kissed back, "HEY, what about me, I said good morning too!" Kai said as he stared at me and Jay.

I chuckled at his reaction as I added a sarcastic tone, "well he said it better" Kai got annoyed as he took a deep breath, "whatever" he said as he went to the kitchen. "Hehe" Jay chuckled as he finally lets go of me.

"You packed your clothes already?" I asked as Jay nodded, "Do you have an extra underwear?" I said as I chuckled, Jays face blushed so bright as he answered my question, "of course" we both went to sit down as Zane served us all crepes with red strawberry jam on top, with banana and strawberry slices on top, as he dripped syrup on top.

"Thanks Zane" I said as Cole started to dig in, right away. "Has anyone seem Lloyd, I'm getting worried he won't eat" Kai said, he's right, we haven't seen Lloyd all morning.

"I'll go check on him" Cole said as I gave him a plate of crepes, "give this to him, he had to eat, he can't go without food all day" I said as he nodded and left my view.

Cole's Point Of View

As I went upstairs, I entered Lloyd's room as I saw a small frailed blond boy lying in bed. "'s breakfast" I said as I placed the plate of crepes on his soft bed, "no thanks...I don't feel hungry" Lloyd said as I nodded in understandment. "Well, we're gonna leave soon, so keep your hopes up" I said as Lloyd nodded once again.

"I..." Lloyd sighed before he even finished his sentence, "well, atleast come downstairs Lloyd" and then Lloyd nodded as he stumbled on the floor, but then I grabbed his shoulders as I help him walk through his room door.

"Thanks" Lloyd murmured as I smiled in response, "of course, I'll always help anyone in need" we soon made it to the dinner table as everyone already finished their delicious breakfast. "Good morning Lloyd" Kai said as he ruffled Lloyd's hair as he avoided the horns, and this made Lloyd giggle as I smiled at his joy.

"Heh...thanks Kai, and good morning to you too" Lloyd said as I let go of him and then he sat down.

"How do you feel?" Zane asked as I looked over his body, " mind feels foggy and my body's numb as hell" I noticed how most of his body is full of scales as his face has a couple of scales, but not enough to cover his face, "good thing we're leaving today..." Jay said as he poked Lloyd's horn, "because you're starting to scare me" Jay murmured as I kicked his knees.

"Jay!" Nya said as she pulled his ear. "I'm sorry...but come on, look at him" Jay said as he squeezed his eyes shut. "Jays right" Lloyd said as he teared up, "no no no, your no monster" I said as Kai also tried to help "your no monster, remember that" Kai said as he hugged Lloyd tightly.

As we all had our heart warming moment, we were then interrupted by Master Wu and Pixal. "Good morning" Pixal said as she stood next to Master Wu in a steady way.

"Oh, Pixal, I didn't see you there" I said as I looked at Master Wu. "Morning Pixal, did you have a good night rest?" Zane asked as she smiled swiftly, "certain, and you?" Pixal responded as Zane returned the gesture quickly, "well..kinda, but there's no time to explain the situation from last night incident" Lloyd looked down in shame as we all formed around Master Wu and Pixal.

"Is it time already?" Jay asked as he groaned and hugged Nya tightly at the same time, "sadly, yes" Sensei replied as I clashed my hands together, "we can do this, cause Ninjas never quit" I shouted as everyone smiled and Kai said with a prideful tone, "Yes! And each one of us are gonna come back alive".

We all nodded as Nya approached Master Wu, "do we leave right now?" She asked and he nodded slowly, "let's go get our items and stuff" Jay exclaimed as we all separately left to our rooms and quickly grabbed our backpacks.

I ran down the stairs as I met up with the rest of the guys. "Ready" Kai said and we all repeated after him..., "ready!"

We all looked towards Master Wu as he held a tea kettle and added some travelers leafs inside as he spread the tea on the floor. All of a sudden a portal opened up and we all looked at each other as we walked towards the big swirly circle.

Lloyd Point Of View

The ninjas...were gone.

They really left to the realm of madness. As the realm closed, I held my scaly arm out as it completely closed, "no..." i murmured as the anxiety in me increased and raised deep inside. "It's okay, they're gonna be fine" Wu said as he placed his hand on my shoulder. I gritted my teeth as I pushed him away, "I'm going to my room!" I shouted as I ran upstairs and into my room.

I hate this, what if they die? They...could get capture by the overlord! And...they wouldn't be able to get the cure! My breathing became shallow as I scratched my wrist for comfort. The scales on my arm felt weird and uncomfortable as I stared at the ceiling, I...I just feel anger, sadness, anxiety and other confusing feeling I just can't explain. I gripped my knuckles as I punched my pillow out of anger and decided to scream my lungs out, screaming is the best therapy in my opinion...most of the time.

"Just...LIVE!" I shouted as tears streamed below my cheeks as Pixal and Uncle entered my room, "LEAVE!" I screamed as I threw my pillow at them.

"It's alright Lloyd..." Uncle said but I only melted deeper in my anger, "please...just leave, I don't know if their gonna be okay or not, what if they die because of me" the mumbling was loud enough for them to hear as Pixal answered to my statement, "according to my calculations, they have a 28.0325% Percent chance of living..." I stood up as I swingend my arm at Pixal, "Pixal, that's just making things worse!" Uncle said as I ripped a piece of metal off from Pixals face.

"Lloyd stop!" Uncle shouted as I stared daggers at Master Wu. "I will, if you guys just leave my room!" I said as I let go of Pixal and stood next to my door as Pixal and Master Wu near me.

"Just know that they're gonna survive, because ninjas never quit" uncle said as he left my room with Pixal side.

I shut the door close as I sat on my messy bed with pulsing pain going through my head. My mind felt foggy as I looked down at my body and see that I no longer have skin, but scales as there were no sight of skin to be seen.

I clawed the scales, as I attempted to take it off, but it was sturdy and strong. "Please hurry..." I murmured as I close my eyes and hoped that my friends can get the cure and get back home safely. I closed my eyes as my mind seemed to shift to a different topic.



Hey wrinkle readers, I know it's been 50 years since I updated a chapter, sooo here it's this one, it's short by 300 words from my usual 1700 words and now this chapter is 1400, I didn't do 1700 because the next POV was Kai's and it's a long one, but anyways stay updated and remember I'm still alive, don't give up on my story 😭 I also have a ninjago fanart board, if you guys are interested in taking a look here it is, it is at the comment 👉🏻

Bye have a good dayyy

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