Chapter 8

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The loud slap rang into my ears as my head turned to the side when a palm hit my cheeks.

Despite the burning pain I stay composed and didn't move from my spot. Like a toy robot waiting to be ordered before making a move.

My father's face was red from anger.

"I told you not to disappoint me, didn't I? It seems like it did not sink into your head!" He pushes his finger into my forehead until it turns red

"Is picking a friend that hard for you? How can you befriend that troublesome girl?!"

I was about to reason out when I saw how he look so instantly stop myself from talking.

"Don't associate yourself with her. She's a blacksheep and being close with that kind of person will not do you any good." He loosen his tie and pointed his finger at me. "Go to your room, I don't want to see you."

"Yes." Was my only response and abide to his order

I closed the door from behind me and leaned myself against it thinking of ways to fix this mess 'cause I don't wanna loss her

I let out a heavy sighed and buried my head into my hands as thoughts consumed me.

The next day during P.E class I stay as far as I can from everyone. The class become bolder and shameless with their actions. They are openly touching Soo-Ji on the sensitive parts of her body while walking on the school ground.

"You have a big buttocks."

"Is it P.E next period?"A male voice makes me halt and raised my head.

Walking towards us is our homeroom tescher, Mr. Lim Joo Hyung. "What's so fun." He questioned. "Are you sure you're having fun all together?"

"Mr. Lim, leave us alone during breaktime. This is how we have fun." Woo-Yi said and pull on Soo-Ji's bra band from the back while smiling."Right, Soo-Ji?

I saw our P.E teacher jog towards them. "Mr. Lim."She look around and ask. "What is it?"

"Well, the thing is.." Mr. Lim fix his eyeglasses seemingly thinking of some excuses for his action

My attention went back to Soo-Ji when She fake a cough. "Mr. Lim, will you walk me to the infirmary? I think I have a cold."

"I'll go with her."Do-Ah immediately volunter

"I'll go with him." Soo-Ji insist

"Right. You have class to take."He turn to Ms. Park and ask. "I'll take her. Is that okay?" The P.E teacher nodded her head


"Let's go, Soo-Ji."

Do-Ah can only watch from the side as Soo-Ji walked together with the crazy teacher.

"Fool." I mumbled under my breath

I saw how Da Yeon smirk while watching them leave the field. Both of her hands are kept inside her pocket. When her eyes suddenly locked into mine She start walking towards me.

"You're not answering my messeges."

"I was busy." I retort

She was about to talk back when her phone vibrate. She opened the messege and chuckle

"This girl is desperate. Isn't she?" She turn her phone towards me showing a photo of Soo-Ji being accompanied by the lunatic teacher. An inevitable sigh escaped my lips.

"Who wouldn't. No one can actually stay still after being treated like that.

"I know." she grinned evilly. "Look at everyone. They are enjoying it." She said pertaining to our classmates who are snickering while looking at their phones.

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