Chapter Three: Journals

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So I literally couldn't come up with connecting/ filler stuff so, you're getting a time skip but, the stuff you 'missed' will be in the form of journal entries from Araneae so that I'm not blindly throwing you guys into the next part of the story. Anyways happy reading :]

Entry one:

The amount of stuff that has happened in these last three days is crazy. Three days ago I escaped Kingdom, met a cute boy and was taken in by Valorant, fought a bot and absolutely demolished that mf, and lastly, became a valorant agent. Thinking about it, I realize that the probable reason that they accepted me as an agent so quickly is because of omega earth. I mean they weren't gonna just let me go and since I'm they had no reason, they couldn't really lock me off in a cell, I've done nothin wrong. Even though it think it was just because they are playing it safe and precautious given that I'm from Omega earth, it's still pretty cool bein a new agent.

Two days ago Reyna, Sage, Neon, and Jett took me out shopping because I don't have clothes, a phone, or really anything. Gekko wanted to tag along too but Neon and Jett said it was a girls day and he couldn't come. I was a tad bit nervous because at that point I was closest to Gekko because he'd really only been the person I talked to for more than a second, but the girls ended up being really fun. Since my memory doesn't predate being awoken from a coma in kingdom, it was nice to go shopping for the first time and actually hang out with women around my age and who were actually cool.

Yesterday I met all of the agents. And dude the diversity, it's mad. I only had very small interactions with everyone but there was a couple people that I think I will become friends with. Also I spoke to Reyna more yesterday, and I'm staring to get the feeling that she's staring to genuinely trust me. Also Gekko and I as it turns out, get along really well. I think he's my favorite person to talk to. Actually no, I take that back. Wings, Dizzy, Mosh, and Thrash are cooler. Even though I have no idea what they're saying lol.

Today me and Gekko played video games in the basement with Brim. Turns out all of us are really competitive. And Brim is surprisingly good for being old. Me and Gekko stayed up so late playing video games. We kept taking turns winning is what it felt like. He'd win then I would and it kept goin like that forever. Until we decided it was best we called if for the night. (Totally not because Brim told us to go to bed). Speaking of beds, my room, the room is so much better than my old rooms in kingdom. And the bed isn't a cinder block.

Gekko suggested we go out to the store tomorrow to get some stuff for my room. I dunno what to even get. My rooms at kingdom had a bed, a dresser and a clock. Nothin else. However, I've seen Neon's room and it's very decorated. Maybe I'll ask her to tag alongside me and Gekko. Anyways, that's all I got for this journal entry, until next time.

p.s mental thanks to Sage for buying the journal and some pens and pencils for me after I mentioned kingdom taking away the one journal I had because "yOu nEeD tO kEeP yOuR tHoUgHtS tO yOuRsElF" (mental thanks to Jett and Neon for informing me it was 'toxic behavior' for kingdom to do that to me.)

Entry two:

Last Friday Neon, Reyna, Harbor, Gekko and I went to some stores to get some stuff for my room. Harbor is a pretty cool guy. However he kept talking about the architectural design of the buildings we went to, which was odd, but I actually learned a bit. It really put in perspective all the stuff that I guess I've always sorta overlooked. After we went shopping, Gekko and Neon wanted to play basketball at a nearby court. Gekko mentioned that the one near his house is his favorite place but, "this court will do." I've never played basket ball before so I declined their offer. Their very persistent offers. Harbor, Reyna and I stood off to the side and Harbor explained basketball to me.

The past week has been training. With a lot of agents actually. I've learned a lot. I trained with Reyna with fighting scenarios, with Brim on tactics and playstyle, with Sova on advantages tactically and about high vs low ground and what to do to have the best advantage in each setting. I also did things like went on a run with Skye, that was exhausting, and I talked to Astra about stars and constellations which was fun. Raze and Killjoy were creating something, which I'll be honest, I have no idea what it is, but I got to help come up with the design on the outside. Also somehow I ended up playing rock paper scissors with Kay/o and bro is unreasonably bad. I also talked to Deadlock about how she lost her arm and we talked about radivores and how until Gekko's buddies we've never seen such domestic and calm ones. However, she is not trusting of Gekko or his buddies because of her trauma and I actually enjoy the little guys.

Entry three:

Today I introduced Gekko to the world of Mario Kart. Back at kingdom me and a couple of the guys would sneak and play once a month and hold a tournament. I always came out victorious, being undefeatable. You have no idea how shocked I was when I found out that Gekko had never played Mario Kart. Immediately I talked to Brimstone about going out and buying it and he told me Omen was going out to the store for knitting supplies and there was a technology store near the arts and crafts store he was going to, so I should ask to tag along, which I did. Reyna had called Gekko out for something, which I am still really curious about, and I tagged along with Omen to the stores. Omen is a pretty cool guy. I relate to him with the whole not remembering the life you know you used to have and we actually bonded a bit over that.

Gekko is actually pretty good at Mario Kart and he was a very fast learner. I mean it's not hard mechanics. Besides we play video games all the time so it's not like he's learning how to play video games for the first time.

Entry four:

It's now been a month since I've been here. I spent most of last week training by myself or with one to two others and then hanging out with Gekko after dinner, usually us playing video games and getting to know each other. The other day I trained really hard and then passed out on the couch and woke up being cuddled by Wings, Dizzy, Mosh, and Thrash while Gekko was sitting in a chair nearby, facing the other direction, playing on his phone. When I asked him why he was chilling there, like he coulda just left, he told me that it was because he wanted to make sure I was alright. Like BROTHER?!?!?! WHAT DID I DO TO DESERVE HAVING HIM AS A FRIEND??? THAT WAS SO SWEET!

Gekko is such a golden boy fr. Anyways I promised to play Mario brothers with him so imma go now. Happy one month. (bro that feels so cringe to write ew.)

Honey The Kids Miss You. Gekko X OCजहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें