Chapter 13: Outtie five thousand

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-Araneae's pov-

Without hesitation I darted back to Mateo, moving as fast as my legs could take me. When I got to the stairs I ran and jumped, shooting a web to the floor pulling myself down, doing a somersault upon hitting the floor. I couldn't be bothered with wasting time by doing something like going down stairs one or two steps at a time.

"Evie!" Mateo says relieved.

"You didn't think I'd leave you all by yourself did you?" I joke running over to him.

"Haha I guess not," Mateo smiles a bit. That's one thing I've always admired about him. He can still muster up a small smile, no matter the situation.

-Reyna's pov-

Araneae had taken off, I saw her go flying through the air and land on the building, climbing up it with rapid speed. Omen and Cypher arguing with Brim who was on the phone. I'm giving Araneae three minutes before I go after her. I figure she's in rage mode and is going to do anything and everything to get her Gekko back to her.

After three painfully long minutes I just start to walk away, not bothering to tell Cypher and Omen.

"Reyna where are you going?" Omen asks as soon as I start to walk away.

"Araneae left three minutes ago. I'm going to get my two niños idiotas, (idiot kids)" I reply bored, not stopping my walk away.


Omen, Cypher, and I were standing outside an entrance to the building when the fire alarm goes off. Smart thinking on Araneae's end. I take this moment to slip in the building unnoticed as people start rushing out.

I'm not worried about Cypher and Omen, they can do their own thing. We are all connected to comms still, except Araneae. I'm pretty sure she disconnected when she left.


Omen, Cypher and I decided to split up to look for Araneae and Gekko. While searching the second floor I hear what sounds like an explosion go off.

¡Ay, mierda! Mis niños! Muchos problemas con esos dos. (oh shit! my kids! Many problems with those two.)


Arriving downstairs I'm faced with a very smoked out room. The visibility was insanely low, putting me on edge. I see two women who looked to be in their mid twenties no more than three feet to my left. One of the girls is lighting a bomb looking thing, in an instant I grabbed the bomb thing out of her hand and grabbed the other woman, holding her at gunpoint.

"Who are you and what are you both doing?" I demanded.

"Ah shit not again," the woman I've got held at gunpoint says sighing, the shorter platinum blonde woman started snickering at her.

"Oh shit look it's Evie and the tennis ball boy!" The blondie exclaims. Quickly I look over to where she was and there they were. Araneae was holding Gekko's hand pulling him along. "Eve! This way!" the girl shouts waving them over.

Araneae runs over, pulling Gekko behind her.

"Reyna let her go, she's my therapist and that's her sister," motioning from the girl I was still holding at gunpoint to the platinum blonde girl.

"Sorry," I muttered, glancing at the woman who rubbed her wrist but seemed otherwise unbothered by the ordeal.

"Yeah, we're the good guys," she replied, humor in her voice.

"Real," the platinum blonde responds. "Anyways we best be outtie five thousand if y'all wanna avoid the director's bitchass."

"Hailey stop using terminology no one but you and me will understand," the brunette responds, slightly annoyed as if they've had this conversation before. "But yes, we should go."

We made our way out of the smoke-filled room, moving quickly and quietly through the very fogged building., Hailey seeming to know exactly where she was going, leading us through back doors and out of the way of people. The whole time I noticed Araneae and Gekko never let go of each other's hands.

As we turned a corner, the sound of heavy boots and muffled voices reached us. Hailey stopped in her tracks, motioning for us to stop as well. "Guards," she whispered. "Two of them, around the corner."

My grip tightened on my gun. Hailey pulled out a small device from her pocket, a smirk on her face, "I'mma blow em up."

"See why I said that her and Raze would be friends," Araneae whispered to Gekko.

"For sure. They'd be best friends," Gekko says chuckling a bit.

As Hailey threw a bomb contraption thing I remembered Omen and Cypher will still in the building somewhere.

"Omen, Cypher, I found Gekko and Araneae, get outside the building," I say through the comms.



Hailey then lit a molotov and threw it over the same direction as Leah pressed a button on a remote, blowing up the grenade thing. I briefly wondered how many other deadly equipment Hailey had in her backpack.

"HA! Backpack guy comin in clutch!" Hailey briefly cheered.

"We haven't made it out yet," Araneae briefly interjects, smiling from Hailey's antics.

"Yea dumbass this ain't even over yet,' Leah replies playfully smacking Hailey on the backside of her head.

"¿No puede una chica divertirse? (Can't a girl have fun?) Hailey mumbles as we all start moving again.

"Haha heard," Araneae jokes back.


-third person-

Once the group was all out the building and far off in the trees, they re-grouped with Omen and Cypher.

"Oh Eve, got something for you," Hailey says grabbing something from her backpack.

"Wait Hailey you sure? As much as I think we should give it to her, what if it makes her more angry and confused?" Leah quickly asks pushing what looked to be a small notebook back into Hailey's bag.

"Give me what?" Araneae asks.

"The notebook with all the stuff you said you remembered during the like four times your memory got wiped," Hailey casually replied.

"Dude!" Leah says obviously annoyed with her sister.

"Oh shit! My bad!" Hailey says smacking a hand over her mouth.

"My memory was wiped more than twice?" Araneae questions, sadness and betrayal evident in her voice.

"I'm sorry Eves, we weren't allowed to tell you anything," Hailey quickly replies, sadness in her voice as well.

"They had us under strict regulations, the couple times we broke the rules we had to face the consequences," Leah replies sadly.

"Did you want the journals?" Hailey asks.

"There's more than one?" Araneae replies.

"Well the second one is more of Hailey fucking around when I told her to take notes because I broke my finger," Leah responds.

"Hey the adhd goes crazy," Hailey justifies.

"I know but quoting memes on half the pages just got us yelled at," Leah replies chuckling a bit.

"I'll take them," Araneae answers, smiling at the two's antics.


(I forgot to mention earlier but Araneae got Gekko's buddies and they are currently in the satchel)

Do y'all want Leah and Hailey's backstory in a future chapter or do y'all not care? Lmk cuz I dunno if I wanna include them more or not.

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