Chapter 7: Before the mission

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Valorant game play and the lore aren't very synergistic with each other so I've set up "missions" in this story in this format:

Alpha Earth has created an arena dome around the areas (maps) with the most radianite that they know of. (Omega Earth wants to steal the radianite bc their earth's isn't authentic enough or something)

When Omega Earth enters these areas it sends an alert to the Valorant headquarters and they send 5 agents over to fight.

Once in the arena (which is literally just the maps and their playable boundaries) the agents are in normal valorant competitive gameplay, first to 13 (exception of OT) or until surrender. They can respawn after each round, buy guns, ect.

Win or loss, both sides (Omega v Alpha Earth) still live because they need to for the plot.

Also to combat the whole switching sides, they don't in each individual mission. However, Alpha Earth will send agents to Omega Earth to re-steal radiante they've lost (from past losses)

Also for the mission I will write in first person bc that's how the game is set up.

Anyways, on with the story :]


Waking up to her blaring alarm, Araneae grumbled as she got out of bed to start getting ready for the day.

"What tf am I gonna wear? Everyone has their signature outfits for missions but I don't" Araneae said to herself in the mirror after finishing brushing her teeth. "Should I text Gekko? Nah I don't wanna wake him up. Oh! Raze!" Pulling out her phone, Araneae texts Raze

- Morning :] You up yet?

Good morning!

I don't have a 'signature' outfit for missions n shit. What should I do?????

I thought you went shopping with Reyna and stuff? Did you not get something then?

I mean I got clothes but not for war

"For war" lmao. Just pick something out I guess

So helpful 🙄

Hey man I'm trying to be helpful.
Do you want me to come over and help you pick something out?

That would actually be much appreciated.

Ok, I'm omw now then



"What if you paired that with this?" Raze said grabbing different articles of clothing.

"Wait that actually could work, lemme see," Araneae respond taking the clothes from Raze.


"Should I put on a jacket?" Araneae asked, checking out her fit in the mirror.

"Up to you," Raze said yawning.

"Not a morning person?"

"Nope, but you sure as hell seem like one Rainy,"

"Once I'm up I'm goin. I have to actually force myself to stay tired when I wake up before I want to,"

"Thats unfortunate" Raze responded yawning again.

"Real. Can I bring headphones cuz I work better with music,"

"I do too! But Brim is always brining me down and won't let me listen to music because it's too distracting and I can't hear the enemies. His words not mine,"

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