Chapter 3: Junior

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   The night is dark and cold, despite all the lights in the city. The docks bring about a sharp sting to the already freezing wind, the cold of the sea mixing with it. Here the only lights are from boats coming in and going. Lately, my father has been making me come with him on business runs. I'd much rather be in bed with the blonde I met at the bar today, losing myself in her voluptuous perky breasts and flawless skin. I'd make her cum again and again until her body shook under me, make her beg me to stop and continue anyway.

   Instead I am here, meeting with some big shot from the Krause family. Father thought it was time I learn the family business and stop wasting my time with dumb broads who lack a purpose in life. Clearly he hasn't had some in a while. Then there is his new stipulation of me attending university with that wretch, something I want to do even less than learn the family business. And his expectation of me "containing my hormones" as he put it. I think back on our conversion a few days ago.

   "Junior, come here son." He called for me as I passed his office.

   "Father, you know I hate being called that, I am Rubio." I responded.

   "Yes you are Rubio the second, my son. Are you embarrassed to be associated with me?" He questioned sternly. I knew this would be his response, it's the same every time I complain about his nickname for me. I somehow obtained my frustration. He said he wanted to talk about Nastasia, something we don't do often. I looked at his handsome yet aged face and wondered how I will look at 62. I finally responded.

   "No father, forgive me. What is it that you've called me for?"

   "Good question son, it is time for you to start learning how to become a man. You've graduated all your high school classes with honors and have fine education only money can buy. However, book smarts are not all you will need to take my place as head of the family," he said, "You will now need to balance university with family business, as well as look over Nastasia."

   He spoke of my inheriting his title as if I actually want to. I've never wanted it, the stress that comes with being the boss, and now me having to babysit Nastasia in college. I've watched my once handsome and nimble father grow old and gray, the weight of his world resting on his shoulders. Sure he has a shit ton of money and a huge house. He could probably still have any girl he wants, though I don't think he's laid with another woman since mother died. Despite my disdain towards the whole thing, I went to my room and dressed for the meeting.

   I pulled out my sharpest looking shirt, a black button up made of silk. I matched it with my dark blue pants and black shoes. As I started to pull my pants up, I began thinking about the tall brunet I fucked the night before. My cock, already an impressive length, grew stiff. I looked at my clock, 5:30, I still had some time. I laid in my overly large bed, smelling the clean sheets. The black fabric encased me as I sunk into the mattress. I grabbed my now pulsing cock and began to think of the woman with brown hair and bouncy tits. She didn't quite know what she was doing, but she managed all the same. Pumping my prick with one hand, I pictured her bouncing on my dick all night. A moan escaped my lips,

   "Oh fuck Nastasia,"

   I stopped mid stroke, my eyes now open from the utter shock and nonsense of what I just said. Nastasia? Why did I moan her name, I wasn't even thinking of her. Yet somehow, she still managed to cross my brain. Slightly disturbed, my hard dick slumped, I gave up on my escapades and returned to getting ready. My brain continued to wander up until father summoned me for the meeting. Was I really attracted to Nastasia, I kept thinking to myself.

   The thought continues to plague me until my father's voice pulls me out of my daydream, as he whispers something about them finally arriving at the docks while looking at his Rolex, annoyed. I lick my lips quickly, trying to look innocent, and taste the salt of the ocean. A shadowy figure steps off of the boat that seems to have just appeared. He is short and muscular, I instantly know he is Krause of the Russian Mafia, our greatest rival. Another man I don't recognize, easily a year or so younger than me steps out too. He is tall, blond, and very muscular as well with blue eyes and a posture of assurance. I wonder if he could actually take me in a fight for a moment before deciding he probably couldn't, though the light of the docks doesn't do much justice on how built he really is. I have never seen him before, and when I look to father he looks equally confused.

   "Valentino," the short man says in a thick Russian accent . "I would say it's a pleasure but I trust you called this meeting for something else. So would you kindly fucking explain why you sent for me with the head of one of my best men in a fucking box? I should shoot you where you stand for breaking the peace agreement." He looks as if he wants to go on, but at the mention of guns my fathers right hand Dominic pulls his jacket back to reveal an impressive pistol. The atmosphere turns terse.

   "Krause, you know Dominic and my son Junior" damn it father, why must you belittle me in front of these men with that name.

   "Let's not do anything hasty, as you are on my territory and I have snipers from every angle pointed at you and your dogs. You know why we are here. I caught your 'best man' on these very docks loading children like cargo. Well I didn't of course, my men did, and Dominic took creative liberties to end his devilish behavior" at this Krause laughs out loud, as does his lackey who hasn't stopped eyeing me up since he stepped off the boat.

   "I'm sure I don't know what you mean Valentino, what you describe is not an order I have given" now it is father's turn to laugh.

   "So you mean to tell me your dogs act of their own accord? What type of command do you have then Krause?" father questions. At this the lackey pulls a gun from his hip, and in a second I have my pistol aimed right at his forehead, as well as Dominic.

   "Tsk tsk tsk, now Krause we wouldn't want things to get messy here. Let me tell you what I know" father begins, seemingly unbothered by the gun the lackey is still pointing at him.

   "I know the Russians are aiding the Germans in this war, selling children and funneling the money for supplies. The world is burning brighter than those murderers with their sunny hair and blue-fired eyes" very poetic father, I think to myself.

   "Our peace strictly relies on you staying in your place, you and your dogs. And selling the children of my city is so off track you must be mad" Krause interrupts.

   "Valentino, you think I don't know you are funding the police department with your drug money, no cleaner than mine? The NYPD wouldn't even be standing if it weren't for you, let alone these docks you use for trade. Is it a crime to help the side I believe in while you do the same?" The boy behind him laughs again, still pointing his gun at my father, and mine at him in a standstill. His laugh makes me want to cut off my own ears. I cock my gun, ready to shoot. Dominic does the same. The tension in the air mixes with my rage, I might choke on it. Father is totally unfazed.

   "Tell your man child here his arm will get tired if he doesn't put down that gun" father states with amusement. Krause whispers to the boy whose name I still don't know. He drops his arm reluctantly and takes a step back into the shadows.

   "Forgive my son, he is still learning, surely you understand" Krause says while looking at me and the barrel of my gun now pointing at him.

   "I assure you, no more business will be conducted on your streets" and with that Krause turns his back and begins walking to his boat.

   "It takes a brave man to turn his back on an enemy with a gun" I shout. He looks back at me, smirking again.

   "It takes a weak man to shoot a foe in the back."

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