Chapter 7: A Glimpse in the Past

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   The night was rough, very rough. When I woke up today my whole body felt an exhaustion I've never experienced. It wasn't even a physical exhaustion, more of a mental truck load of shit. I really didn't want to crawl out of bed, in fear of what the day would bring. Yet here I am, sitting in the car with Dominic, on my way to school. Junior isn't here today, something about a meeting with our father regarding some business they have to figure out. That's all I know about it. My stomach is twisting in knots, we're just two blocks from the University, and nothing is working to calm my nerves. I only have two classes today, both different from yesterday, so that's almost relieving. Yet the fear of being outcasted is heavy on my mind and chest.

   I can see the huge building I dreamed about last night as we turn the corner. Everything is identical, except these people all have smiling faces. Dominic drops me off at the same spot and goes to pull off, then stops to tell me Junior will be picking me up today. It surprises me because I wasn't expecting to see him. Still a small part of me comes to life with the news, not being forced to spend the whole day with people I don't know is comforting. Just as I think he'll be a familiar face after another long day, another familiar face surprises me.

   "Hey, it's Nastasia right? I'm Michael, we kind of bumped into each other yesterday, literally I mean," he finished with a small chuckle. I didn't notice yesterday, but he has the cutest dimples to match his sparkling blue eyes. I feel my mouth turn into a huge smile.

   "Hey, yeah I remember. How are you?"

   "I'm good, how was your first day?" His question is innocent enough, but I feel myself start to sweat.

   "Oh, um, you know, it could've been worse I suppose," I try to answer him as lighthearted as I can. Though it doesn't really come off as such. He chuckles again and I decide I like the sound.

   "That bad huh? Don't worry, it'll get better as you find your place. Don't let these know it alls scare you, all they do is copy the syllabus word for word. What classes do you have today, if you don't mind me asking?" He says this all while scanning the faces around us, on constant alert, subconsciously making me do the same. It's as if he's waiting for someone to pop out of a bush or something.

   "Well, I had literal nightmares about this place last night, so it was pretty bad. Uh, today I have Patient 101 and Bedside Manners," I reply.

   "What a coincidence, I'm scheduled for those as well. Mind if I walk you to class?" His informality and nonchalance are refreshing. Generally I'm called miss or ma'am all day.

   "Certainly sir, I would like that," I grab his arm and we start to head into the building. "So what made you want to study medicine? Being a servant so to speak to the ill isn't exactly everyone's cup of tea, especially not young men." I only realized after I said it that it may have sounded rude. He doesn't seem to mind though, he just chuckles again. I'm starting to notice he does it often.

   "Yeah, I mean most doctors were men for a while. You're right though, this wasn't my first choice. My adoptive father made me enroll, something about using my big brain or something." His words make me stop in my tracks, he's adopted also? I think back to my dreams of the little blond boy, afraid to voice what I'm thinking.

   "You're adopted?" I squeak out. He notices my hesitancy to keep walking and stops too. Turning around to face me, his face as serious as I've seen it, he gives me a knowing look.

   "Yeah, I might've fibbed a little yesterday. I didn't really bump into you, more like I walked into you on purpose. I actually recognized you immediately, we were in the same foster home together for a little while," he rushes out. I feel my heart stop as all my blood rushes to my face.

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