Chapter 13: The Second First Date

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   When I wake up my head is pounding from the lack of sleep. I finally dozed off just when the sun began shining in my window and overslept for classes. If Sarah hadn't woken me up I probably would've slept the whole day away. My dream last night plagues me even in my waking hours, it's been on replay the entire time I've been getting ready for my last two classes since I slept through the first one. All of my classes are with Michael today, so I worry that he'll connect my absence with our date tonight. I don't want him to think I'm avoiding him or the date, despite my own subconscious. I've never been one to really believe in prophecies or the alignment of the stars, I've always preferred science over everything else. These dreams that have been haunting me have slowly been converting my mindset however, and I'm beginning to question everything around me. It's driving me crazy, and there's nothing I can do to stop them from happening.

   After quickly throwing myself together I go outside and am surprised to see Junior in the car waiting for me. I instinctively reach for the ring on my finger and smile to myself. For once in my life I am excited to see him. I get into the car and take one look at Junior and my heart melts. His face is set in a stern grin and his eyes look cold as ice. I knew the Junior I saw yesterday wouldn't last and my dream rushes back into my head. Junior's maniacal grin is all I can see. Before I know what's happening I'm screaming at Junior to stop the car.

   "Stop, stop the fucking car Junior!"

   "Nastasia what's wrong?" My breath is caught in my throat, I can't breathe. I can hear my heart pounding in my chest and feel my blood coursing through my body with each beat.

   "Junior, I can't breathe." I jump out of the car before it even stops rolling, desperately searching for air to fill my lungs. I'm desperate to get away from this Junior, the one that will hurt my feelings without a second thought, so I start to run. I hear him screaming after me but don't stop, feeling the air return to my lungs the more distance I put between us. It seems like I'm at school in seconds, feeling almost completely back to normal. I start to walk up the steps to the school and see Michel sitting with his head down seemingly immersed in the pattern of the concrete. When he sees me he quickly stands up, a look of complete shock and concern on his face.

   "Nastasia, what happened? I've been waiting for you all morning, I thought something happened. Now you show up like the devil himself was chasing you." I feel bad imagining what Michael must be seeing right now. I can feel my face hot from exhaustion, probably turning my tan face red. I know my hair must look disheveled, and my pupils dilated from adrenaline. I don't know how to answer Michaels question, I can't just say I was running away from my future husband who was making it hard for me to breathe. That would lead to a lot of questions I can't answer.

   "Um, nothing happened, I just felt like going for a run. Plus I was late and wanted to skip the traffic. Sorry to worry you, I'm okay though." I know it's not a good lie, especially by the look on Michael's face, but he doesn't push me. Instead he nods his head as if it all makes sense.

   "Okay, so are you ready for our date?" His question takes me by surprise, especially after everything that just happened.

   "Ummmm, I don't know if now is the best time for us to go on a date. I'm not even dressed appropriately for dinner. Plus it's still early to eat." My words come out in a rush as my lungs are still trying to recover.

   "You look great, and we aren't going to dinner. Come on, the place isn't far from here." He starts walking before I can ask anymore questions. So I start to follow him, trying to fix my hair and straighten my clothes to avoid crazy looks from people. My body protests in agony, my side burning from running nonstop. Eventually I catch up with Michael and he grabs my hand with a smile.

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