Chapter 17: Junior's Stipulations

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   It's been two day since I saw that Russian fuck and Nastasia at my restaurant. I wanted to confront her that night, but my rage was boiling over, and I was completely out of control. Instead, I bided my time, waiting for the perfect opportunity to strike. I've fallen into a kind of content rage, the kind that sits right below the surface waiting to explode like a landmine. She's come to my room a couple of times, knocking and asking me if I'm okay. I didn't trust my voice enough to give her an answer, so I sat quietly, contemplating my revenge. Waiting for her footsteps to recede before peering out my door to make sure she actually was gone. Today is the day though, no more waiting to put an end to this Michael business.

   I don't have much of a choice anyway, I leave in three days for the front lines, and being distracted by Nastasia's affairs isn't going to help me survive. I'll catch a stray bullet while thinking about her and him together and bleed out before I can even get my hands on the stupid fucker. Beyond my rage, there's a concern I'm not used to feeling. I fear for Nastasia's safety, it can't be a coincidence that he bumped into her that day. I'm sure Nastasia was smart enough not to tell him about our family affairs, but I also thought she was smart enough to never get involved with someone like him. The mixture of rage and worry I feel about her has been too much for me to handle, it's like my chest wants to constantly explode. I'm not used to caring so much for one person. It's different than when I'm handling business and the life of my men is in my hands, that runs off of pure adrenaline and respect.

   Either way, I'm still extremely angry with her for poisoning a night I thought was special for us. Even my father has never been to mine and my mothers restaurant, and she brought Michael of all people. I'm not sure I'll ever be able to go there again, and I plan on making her understand just how far she crossed the line. I plan to confront her tonight at dinner. This time though, she'll be lucky if I don't smack her across the face for her stupidity. I've told Sarah not to worry about setting dinner tonight, I'm going to handle all of it. Plus I don't want any of this getting back to my father. Every time I see him his shoulders seem lower with the weight he is carrying. Both me and Nastasia are adults, and we should be able to handle this situation on our own.

   I make it to the kitchen right before Nastasia sits at her table. Her look of confusion at the bareness of it makes me smile, she has no idea what kind of night she's in for. I gather our plates and silverware and head out into the dining hall.

   "Good evening Nastasia." Her shoulder's tense when she sees me, and her olive skin grows a shade paler.

   "Junior, what is this?" Her naive and stupid questions really get to me sometimes. Obviously I'm setting the table for dinner.

   "I gave Sarah the night off, we have some things we need to discuss."

   "Let me help you then." She gets up out of her chair and grabs the pot of stew from the stove, placing it between both of our plates. I finish off by grabbing our glasses of wine, and we both finally take our seats.

   "So," I start off, but she silences me with a finger.

   "Unless you're planning to apologize to me for your harsh words and absolute childish behavior, I'd rather have this meal in quietude." Her audacity stuns me into momentary silence. When did she get so bold? Then she speaks of my audacity, but she had the nerve to take a walking buffoon to my restaurant. I try to swallow down my rising anger, I have to keep this conversation in my favor. Now is not the time to lash out at her, not yet anyway.

   "My behavior was admittedly uncalled for, and I said some hurtful things to you I admit. However, I'm not the only one who has crossed a line. Is there anything you want to tell me?" I lure her into admission, setting the trap and waiting for her to fall into it. I'm met with her confused expression that infuriates me further.

   "I'm sure I don't know what you're talking about Junior, and yes, your behavior was uncalled for, especially by making me worry about you. I thought you were dead somewhere from an overdose." Worried about me? She could've fooled me.

   "Oh, did I worry you? I'm sorry, I thought you were preoccupied with other matters." She shifts uncomfortably, a sure sign of guilt.

   "Junior, just spit it out. What are you on about?"

   "I saw you, Nastasia, at my mothers restaurant, with him." The truth pours out of me like vomit. Her face goes green like she might actually vomit.

   "Junior, it's not like that. He's just a friend and the restaurant was the only place I knew to go."

   "Just a friend? We'll get to that asshole eventually. The real problem is you took him there even after I told you how much the place meant to me. There is no way you can justify that!"

   "Junior, it's just a restaurant!" I pound my fist on the table and watch as the whole bottle of wine topples over.

   "No, it's not just a fucking restaurant, and of all people you took him there! Do you even know who he fucking is?" I'm met with her confused stare. I still haven't decided how much to actually tell her, I'd be putting her in more danger if she found out he was a Krause. All she needs to know is that he is dangerous.

   "I never promised you anything! I never said I was going to stop dating other people, and what do you know about Michael anyway?" I lower my voice, attempting to get her to actually hear what I'm saying.

   "He's dangerous Nastasia, you need to stay away from him."

   "He'd never do anything to hurt me, he's not you Junior. Wait a minute, how did you know about us being there anyway?"

   "I have eyes everywhere, Nastasia." I try to play that night off as a coincidence. Realization dawns on her though, despite my best efforts to cover my tracks.

   "It was you! You were the man that attacked that couple. You were trying to bring the wife home and have your way with her." Shit. I was hoping to leave that part out.

   "Don't flip this around on me Nastasia, you fucked up first."

   "No Junior, you fucked up when you screamed at me about not needing anyone. Then you broke your promise of celibacy to me and pulled a fucking gun on an innocent man. Now you sit here like you're high and mighty, when in reality you're a piece of shit!"

   "You threw the ring at me! What was I supposed to do, sit here in my misery trying to figure out ways to win you back. Meanwhile you're conspiring with the enemy!"

   "Yes Junior, you were supposed to sit here and think about how badly you messed things up. Oh, and not every man I interact with is your enemy, you need to grow up." She pulls at her hair in frustration and stands to leave.

   "Nastasia, wait, don't walk away from me. We need to talk this out, you need to stay away from Michael. I leave tomorrow and I have no idea when I'll be back, you need to protect yourself." She stops in her tracks and looks back at me.

   "Soon you won't be here to tell me what to do. Good luck Junior." Then she leaves me at the table with nothing but the cold stew for company.  

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