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The Great hall is filled with laughter and loud voices, as usual all the Professors are sitting at one long table, although there is one unfamiliar face, she must be taking over after madeye. She's dressed from head to toe in pink.
"I do admire her confidence" Ginny giggled before Harry started talking.

"Hang on, I recognise her. She was at my hearing." Harry gave the women a stern look.
Everyone else seemed to know what he meant but me.
"Sorry, hearing? You went to court?" I whisper yelled at Fred butted in,
"Yeah he went to court, surprised George didn't tell you, he used magic outside of school"
Hermione shook her head at Fred, I quickly spun my head to face George,
"I was going to tell you, then Hilton interrupted"

I glanced behind me to look at the Slytherin table, I could see Liam's eyes practically shooting through the back of my head. I quickly turned back around to join back into the conversation, I knew George was looking at me but I didn't look at him. I knew what he was thinking though.
How could a girl like me be with him, the truth is I don't know. I know what he wants from me, but I'm not ready to have sex. I'm scared that when he gets that from me he will tell everyone. I don't want that.

"Good evening children, now we have two changes in staffing this year, we are pleased to welcome back Professor Grubly clank who will be taking care of magical creatures while Professor Hagrid is on temporary leave." Dumbledores voice sounded through the hall, "I also wish to welcome our new DADA teacher, Professor Umbridge." The pink lady giggled. "Now I'm sure you'll on join me on wishing her good luck. Now as usual our care taker Mr Filch has asked me to remind you all-" The pink lady interrupted again, however this time she tapped her knife against her wine glass and stood up. Everyone's heads turned to look at her as she slowly made her way to stand where Professor Dumbledore is.

"Thank you headmaster, for those kind words of welcome. And how lovely to see all your bright, happy faces, smiling up at me," No one is smiling, "I'm sure we're all going to be very good friends"

"That's likely" Fred and George said in unison, the pink lady didn't seem to impressed, however she continued speaking.

"The ministry of magic has always considered the education of young witches and wizards to be a vital importance. Although each Headmaster has bought something, new, to this historic school." Her and Dumbledore exchanged a smug smile, "Progress for the sake of progress must be discouraged. Let us preserve, what must be preserved. Perfect what can be perfected and prove practises that out to be prohibited." She giggled another smug giggle before everyone broke out into a quiet applause.

"Thank you professor Umbridge, that really was illuminating" Dumbledore looked displeased with her sprach but continued to suck up to her.

"Illuminating? What a load of waffles" Ron added.
"What's it mean?" Harry asked the group.
"It means the ministry is interfering at Hogwarts" I sat back in my chair and rolled my eyes as everyone's heads turned to face me.

"But seriously though her outfit is blinding me" I chuckled before more conversations broke out in the hall.

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