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I looked at myself in the mirror, our dorm was one of the lucky ones to have a bathroom. Or else I'd be trying to figure out how to cover this black eye in front of fifty other girls. I don't have any makeup, neither does any of the other girls in my room. I couldn't help but cry, how did I let him do this to me? What if he does it again? I slid down against the vanity and cried my eyes out. I'll just have to come up with an excuse.

After what felt like hours of laying there, I slowly got up. I look like shit. I splashed my face with some water before drying it and left the bathroom. I checked the time, "shit it's 7" I muttered to myself before running down the stairs and into the common room. I quickly made my way down the hallways until I came across the Great hall. I threw the door open, shit. What felt like all eyes were on me. I put my head down and made my way to my usual seat, I sat silently in between George and Hermione. I didn't have to look up to know they were all looking at me.

"Holy shit what happened to your eye" George lifted my chin and brushed his thumb over the purple and green bruise as I whimpered.

"I uh, fell. Down the stairs on the way here" I quickly said. George raised an eyebrow,
"It wouldn't have bruised that quick shouldn't it?" George gave me a sympathetic look,
"no it shouldn't" Fred added glaring at me, he was giving me an I know you're lying look. He also knows I'd never admit what happened.

"So Harry" I attempted to change the subject, "how was detention with the crazy lady? I smiled as Harry looked up at the teachers table. Must've been bad.

"Boys, have you told her about the new products you're making?" Emery smiled leaning in.
"oh yeah." George's face lit up, "So we're gonna make all these gummies that make you extremely ill," Fred smiled.
"And hopefully we can sell all of them and save enough money to open our prank shop" George continued causing me to smile at their plan.

"You're actually going through with it?" I smiled.
"Of course" Fred and George said in unison. I laughed at their words and reached for some pudding.

I felt a tap on my shoulder just as I picked up my spoon, I turned around to see none other than Liam. He looked between me and George, he seemed displeased.

"Why don't you come sit with me baby?" He raised an eyebrow as George's jaw tensed.

"Um, alright." I smiled at the group, "cya later in the common room for game night." Fred and George exchanged a glance as I walked away with Liam.
"I don't want you talking to that Weasley boy any more" He spat as he sat down, also making space for me, "He's in love with you" Liam sighed as my eyes widened.

"No he's not!" I whisper yelled as Liam raised an eyebrow,
"You're getting defensive" He rolled his eyes. I ignored his pestering as I reached for some food as I never got to eat mine at the table.

"Don't you think you've had enough food?" Liam whispered in my ear.

I raised an eyebrow before looking at him, "I haven't even ate anything yet..." That hurt.

"Don't you think that's for the best?" His words hurt, I pulled my arm back and started twiddling my thumbs, "I guess you're right" I muttered.

I looked up to where I was sitting before, I made eye contact with George but quickly looked away, he looked angry.

Us ; George WeasleyWhere stories live. Discover now