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Warning- Nonconsensual Sex

Liam and I are in our usual spot, he was playing with my hair while I laid still.
"How was your day?" He asked sweeting as he stroked my back, I sighed.
"Could have been better" He raised an eyebrow,
"You were with me all day" My eyes quickly widened as I realised what I said.

"No I just mean it would have been better if I wasn't so hung over" I laughed as he slowly smiled.

His mood shifted, he slowly moved himself on top of me, "You know what would make you feel better?" He smiled.

"What?" I hesitated.

"Sex" He smiled as he slowly started to undo the buttons on his shirt, "come on, everyone does it. I just want people to know that you're mine." He smiled.

I froze, I don't want this. I told him I don't want this. "Liam I don't know" I squinted my eyes.

"Come on baby, it's not a big deal. Everyone does it, come on don't be a mood killer" He threw his shirt away. "I love you baby. You know that, I just want people to know you're mine." He smiled as he attempted to take off my hood.

"No Liam!" I attempted to push his away, that only ended with a strong fist to my cheek. I couldn't move, I was paralysed. He was undressing me as I laid there practically unconscious. I felt his hands all over my body. He removed my hood and cupped my breasts. Sucking and kissing them and my neck.
I then felt his hands move to my tights, he stuck his hand down the waist band and cupped my vagina.
"Liam, stop" I managed to get myself to say.
I then felt his hand come into contact with my throat. He was pushing as tight as he could, I couldn't breathe. After went felt like 20 seconds he finally let go.

I started gasping for air as he moved his attention back to taking off my pants, he slid them down and threw my tights across the room. He then removed my knickers and bra before removing his own pants. He pushed himself into me, I close my eyes. It hurt so bad, I tried to think of a memory. Any memory. My happiest to make me forget who I am. He went harder and harder.
I felt a scream leave my lungs, as it echoed through the room he griped my hair as started to firmly pull on it. I wish I was dead.

I need to be cleaned.

I feel him.

I'm terrified.

I want to die.

No. I need to die.

After what felt like hours of him pushing himself in and out of me. He stopped. "Baby you felt so good for me" He huffed, "so good" He groaned.

I felt disgusting.

I need to clean myself.

I quickly got up, frantically looking for my clothes. I looked back at the bed and there was a huge blood stain. He went too hard and I bled. That hurt so bad.

"Admit it you liked it" He smiled as he watched me dress myself. I quickly ran out of the room and down the halls, that's when I felt it come out. The tears, I couldn't stop them. I ran into the common room, I didn't care all my friends and the rest of Gryffindor house were in there. I was still crying.

"Mel?!" I heard George call, I ignored him. I ran up the stairs and into my room. I grabbed the first clothes I saw and locked myself in the bathroom. I stopped.

I looked at myself in the mirror, I look tired. I have a cut lip and a large bruise on my right cheek. No need to wonder where that came from. I quickly undressed myself and started the water in the shower. It was hot boiling hot. I looked at myself one last time in the mirror. My whole body was covered in hickeys and bruises. My breast down to my thighs. I jumped into the shower and cleaned myself.

I need to get his hands off me.

I need to clean myself.

I scrubbed myself until my skin went red. The tears started coming again. I couldn't stop them.

How could I let this happen to me?

Why did I let him do that?

I didn't even say yes.

But I didn't say no, is it even counted as rape if I didn't say no?

I kept on scrubbing and scrubbing.

Us ; George WeasleyWhere stories live. Discover now