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I was sitting in the courtyard, watching the birds fly over. Sometimes I wish I was a bird, they get to fly and fly without a care in the world. They don't have to worry about school, what they look like, abusive boyfriends. That's when it hit me. He's abusive. What happened to that sweet seventeen year old I met at the start of the year, he turned eighteen next week. Which means this is highly illegal, but how am I gonna stop it. I break up with him. He'll kill me. That's another reason why I wish I was a bird. A care free life.

"Mel" I heard a familiar voice that caused me to jump, "George" It's been a week since I talked to him, I've been avoiding him and all my friends, just like Liam told me to, he's getting more controlling by the day.

"How have you been?" He sat down across from me.
"Alright I guess" I said looking around to make sure Liam's not here, George buried his eyebrows together after he realised what I was doing.

"Why did you lie to Mcgonagall" He asked, "we all know what really happened" he lowered his voice so people walking by couldn't hear.

I rolled my eyes, "George you need to mind your own business." I got up angrily, I was about to walk back into the school when I realised who was watching from across the court yard. Liam.
I quickly turned around and attempted to go the other way, I walked through the hallways. I knew where was running after me.

"Amelia!" He called out, I felt him grab onto my wrist causing me to whimper, his eyes immediately trailed down to my wrist. He raised an eyebrow before looking back up at me. He pulled me into the nearest classroom. Still grabbing tightly onto my wrist.

"Liam, stop you're hurting me" I whined as he pulled up my sleeve harshly.

"Wow!" He laughed, "that's impressive, so what you're a self harmer now" he was still laughing. That really stung.

"What are you gonna kill yourself next?" His smile dropped, "why are you cutting yourself?" He asked causing my eyes to widen,
"Liam I, I don't feel comfortable talking about this" I rolled his eyes before reaching in his pocket for something, he pulled out a lighter.

I thought he quit smoking, before i could think. He lit the lighter, "Since you like pain so much" he pushed the fire into my skin, causing me to scream, "FUCK STOP" I started crying.

"Stop being a baby" He laughed as he finally let go of my wrist causing me to fall to the ground crying. "What I thought you liked pain baby?" He grabbed the back of my hair and started kissing me harshly.

He threw me back down onto the ground.

When will I escape this nightmare?

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