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It was snowing outside, it's getting close to December. I was tightly tucked away in my jumper and Gryffindor scarf. My hair was neatly sitting around my arms and my beanie hugged the top of my head.

"I miss you Mel" George said as we slowly walked through the snow, "I miss my best friend" I sighed after hearing his words.
"I miss you too Georgie" I stopped, he stopped as well to look at me, "I know I've been really distant lately, and I'm sorry." I looked at him as he squinted his eyes.

He looked at me sympathetically. "I know you have a boyfriend, I also know he doesn't treat you the way you deserve to be treated." I sighed before he continued, "I don't know if all the rumours are true, but if they are. I'm here for you" George wrapped his arms around me, for the first time in weeks. I didn't flinch at anyone touching me.

It took a second to process, but I hugged him back. He rested his chin on the top of my head, and we stayed like that for a few minutes. It was nice.
"Do you wanna get lunch at the three broomsticks?" He smiled sweetly.

No one likes chubby girls.

I sighed, "I'm still pretty full from breakfast, but I wouldn't say no to a butterbeer" I smiled as his dropped.

"You didn't even have breakfast" George looked down at my body, "when was the last time you ate?" He asked. I froze.

"T-this morning" I tried to keep eye contact but failed.

"You're doing that thing when you lie again" George sighed, "what's he doing to you" George gave me a sympathetic look. I'm so done with him feeling sorry for me.

"Nothing, I just haven't been hungry lately" I shrugged it off, he wasn't buying it but he dropped it.

"Love you need to eat, come on. I'm buying you lunch" He took my hand and lead us into the three broomsticks.


"Right, first we need to find a place to practice." Harry said as we all made our way quickly across the bridge, "Where Umbridge won't find out" he added.

"The shrieking shack?" Ginny said quickly.

"No, it's to small" Harry smiled at her.

"The forbidden forest?" Hermione suggested.

"Bloody no Mione" Ron replied quickly.

"Harry, What happens if Umbridge does find out?" Ginny asked causing Harry to look at her and slow down.

"Who cares! I mean, it's sort of exciting isn't it? Breaking the rules." Hermione laughed,
"Who are you and what have you done with Hermione Granger" Ron laughed.

"Anyways, at least we know one positive thing came from today" Hermione said excitedly,
"what's that?" Harry said out of breath.

"Cho couldn't keep her eyes off you couldn't she" Hermione said without hesitation, that caused Ginny to look down a bit sad.

Fred and George exchanged a look causing me to look at them.

"Does Ginny like Harry?" I said as quietly as I could without the rest of them hearing. Fred and Go the nodded in unison causing me to smile.

"Right." Harry said as we approached the school, "Over the next few days, we should each come up with a couple of possibilities on places we can practise." Harry was speaking quite loudly, "we've got to make sure what ever we come up with, there's no chance on being caught" Harry said.

I looked up and saw the pink lady looking down on us from the clock tower, George saw her too.
"Reckon she heard" I whispered to him causing him to laugh, "definitely"

Us ; George WeasleyWhere stories live. Discover now