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Warning- Abuse

I could already tell DADA was not gonna be a very good subject this year, I was quickly making my way through the packed hallways trying to get to the room of requirement before 5pm. That was our spot, mine and Liam's. We've been going there ever since he first discovered it back in March. It's now September. I checked the time on my watch, Shit it's already 10 past. I quickly approached the door, I shut my eyes and thought of the room. Suddenly a small door appeared.

I quickly opened it, shut it, then locked it.
"You're late" Liam spate leaning against the bed frame. I checked the time again.
"Only by 15 minutes." I smiled sweetly.
"Thought you weren't coming" His eyes trailed slowly to my skirt. He slowly approached me, once he got close he towered over me. Even though he was wearing his robes you could still see his muscles building out. He was only wearing the black pants, white shirt and his tie. However it was very messy.

He reached down and started playing with the hem of my skirt, "You're so pretty, yknow that right?" A small smile creeped on my lips.

He leaned down and kissed me passionately, "You're so beautiful baby" he whispered in my ear, he picked me up. My legs were now wrapped around his waist. He carried me over to the bed and harshly threw me onto it.
"Fuck Liam" I groaned, not in a sexual way. The way he threw me it hurt.
He climbed on top of me and gripped my neck.
I began to feel uncomfortable, I was fine with making out but I knew where this was headed.

"Liam stop..." I muttered as he continued, I stopped kissing him back, trying to get him off.
"Liam Stop!" I yelled, he pulled back quickly and looked at me. He groaned and sat back up.

"What you don't wanna have sex? You're so fucking boring" He groaned as he reached for his book bag, taking out some fire whiskey. "With that skirt you're practically asking for it.

"You mean my school uniform?" I raised an eyebrow,
"Yes are you fucking dumb?!" He sharply exhaled as he took another sip.

"I'll see you tomorrow? Sober." I quickly got up off the bed, attempting to straighten my uniform when all of the sudden I felt what felt like a boulder come into contact with my eye. I fell to the ground.

My vision was blurry, I don't know what was happening. I felt an agonising pain all throughout my right eye, I blinked about one thousand times trying to see what was happening. Once I finally regained full consciousness I dragged myself up. I was now facing Liam.

"What the fuck?!" I yelled, a tear escaping my eye. It hurt so bad.
"That's what you get for being a self entitled slut" He Stumbled up. He grabbed onto my collar and pulled me up off the floor, he was now looking into my eyes, "Fuck, I'm sorry baby" He put his head into his hands, "You know I have a really bad temper, I didn't mean to I'm sorry" He was now looking back at me. I still felt the pain all in my face.
"It's okay Liam" I gave him a small smile.

"You won't tell anyone right? It was an accident" Liam breathed.

I wanted to, but I'm afraid.

"I won't"

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