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"I have a question, and you have to answer honestly. No bullshit" George said, we had both been sitting down in silence for the past hour.


"Why are you dating Hilton, all he does is treat you like shit, honestly it makes me sick." George was looking at me, I didn't look at him.

"He doesn't treat me like shit..." yes he does, I just won't admit it. I love him still.
"I love him" I added.

"Mel, I know you've already shut us down about this, but did he punch you? Because if he did I'm going to kill-" I interrupted him.

"Listen. He didn't fucking hit me. Believe me or not but I walked into a wall" I threw my head down into the pillow.

"I thought you said you fell..." George gave me a sympathetic look, "I'm drunk, who knows who said what right now honestly" I sighed.

George sharply exhaled and angrily threw his head back against the wall. He was ignoring me, honestly I'd ignore me too. I sound crazy.

"You know I'd do anything for you" His whispered.


"Wakey Wakey!" The door sprung open, lighting the whole cupboard, "fucks sake I was hoping that when I open this door you'd both be naked" Emery pouted as I sat up grunting, I threw my hand over my forehead. Great I'm hungover as fuck.

"You know I have a boyfriend Em" I rolled my eyes, "Fuck sometimes I wish I was a vampire so I could drink without getting drunk and hungover" I felt Hermione pull me up off the floor. George and I made eye contact before both of us leaving the cupboard.
"It's Saturday you know what that means" Emery smiled proudly. I stood there acting clueless.

"No classes?" She said.

"Oh right" I rubbed my eyes, "Looks like your eyes slowly starting to heal up" she smiled before rubbing her finger over it. I groaned as they dragged me up the stairs.

"Come on, let's get ready for breakfast" she smiled as she pushed open the door. I threw my top and jeans off, I walked over to the dresser and put on my blue jumper and black tights. I slid my feet into my uggs before crashing onto my bed.

"Way to dress" Emery teased at my outfit choice, "It's just school, we have another two years to prove we know how to dress" I groaned as she pulled me up again and grabbed me to the great hall.

"Are you even hungover a little?" I asked as we approached the doors, "Nope, I made a potion. Woulda made you one too but you were with George in the broom cupboard all night" She teased as I heard a voice behind me.

"You were where?" Liam.

Fuck. I turned around to meet his eyes, he looked angry.
"It was game night last night, I told you about it last term. The two drunkest people end up locked in a broom cupboard together." I shrugged it off, however he didn't.

He grabbed my wrist and dragged me away from Emery to the Slytherin table, "I don't want you talking to them anymore" He whispered in my ear as I sighed.

I was gonna each for some toast before I remember what he said, as hungry as I was, I do need to loose some weight.

"Good girl" He smiled at me, my jaw tensed. I hate it when he calls me that. "You remembered, no one likes a chubby girl Amelia." He smiled at me, I simply kept my head down.

Us ; George WeasleyWhere stories live. Discover now